Oxygen XML Web Author V22.1

Der neue Gliederungsbereich bietet eine schnelle Möglichkeit, durch Dokumente zu navigieren.
Mai 20, 2020
Neue Version


Outline Pane

  • General - Web Author now includes an Outline pane that offers a quick way to navigate through the document, gives you insight about the location of your modifications, shows the hierarchical dependencies between elements, and makes it easy to visualize the XML structure.
  • Display Modes - The Outline pane includes two display modes that can be selected using a drop-down menu at the top-right of the pane. Contents mode displays the information in the pane like a table of contents and Structure mode displays the information in the pane as a general tag overview of the current XML document.
  • Accessibility - Accessibility was a primary focus in the design of the Outline pane, making it Section 508 compliant. It supports keyboard navigation, common shortcuts, and it is compatible with screen readers.
  • Customization - The Outline pane is enabled by a framework configuration file and it is available by default for DocBook, TEI, and XHTML documents. It is possible to configure other frameworks (such as DITA) to make it available for those particular types of documents.


  • Git Submodules Support for all Git Connectors - Previously, Git submodules were only supported for GitLab integrations, they are now supported for all Git repository types (generic Git, GitHub, GitLab On-Premise, Bitbucket).
  • Autocomplete Repositories for Generic Git Connector - To make it easy to open a repository when using the generic Git connector, recently used repositories are automatically proposed. An administrator can also configure a list of commonly used repositories to be proposed automatically.

General Editing

  • Control the Editor Font Size - There is a new option in the Preferences dialog box where you can specify the font size for content in the main editing pane. This is the starting font size, the CSS styles may increase or decrease that for various elements, or even use fixed font size.
  • More Information in the Review Pane - The Review pane displays now the name of the element used to surround content for tracked changes created when content is surrounded by an element.


  • Optimized Context Menu for Tables - When invoked inside a table, the context menu displays table-related actions first and the rest of the actions in a sub-menu. The actions to be promoted in this context can be configured at the framework level using the Document Type Configuration Dialog.
  • Default Tags Display Mode - A new option called tagless.editor.tags.display.mode can be used to specify the default tags display mode whenever an XML document is opened in Web Author. For example, you can set the default mode to be Full Tags, No Tags, Block Tags, Partial Tags, Full Tags with Attributes, or Inline Tags.
  • Prefix/Suffix for New Files - If you define custom document templates, it is now possible to add a prefix or suffix to the file name that is proposed in the new file wizard by using the filenamePrefix or filenameSuffix properties.


  • JavaScript API Documentation Facelift - The JavaScript documentation portal now has an easier to use design and search support.
  • Improved Client-Side DOM API - The editor now exposes a read-only API that is compatible with the DOM Level 3 specification (sync.api.AuthorEditingSupport.getDocument()). One can also use the sync.api.AuthorEditingSupport.AuthorModelChangedEvent event to subscribe for notifications when the document is modified.
  • Render Arrows That Point to Specific Nodes in the Editor - A new JavaScript API (sync.api.AuthorEditingSupport.getWidgetsFactory) was added. It gives you access to the non-persistent highlights manager and to the new sync.api.GuidingArrowRenderer that can be used to draw arrows that point to specific nodes in the editor. For example, you can draw an arrow from an element in a side-pane to a specific element in the main editor.
  • Improved Client-Side Selection API - The selection API was extended to be able to find more precise information on where the caret is located, including the offset inside a text node - sync.api.Selection.getCaretPositionInformation(). Various methods were added to create selections like sync.api.SelectionManager.createEmptySelectionAfterNode or sync.api.SelectionManager.createEmptySelectionInTextNode.
  • Customize Persistent Highlights - The sync.api.PersistentHighlightsManager API was added and it can be used for managing highlights in Web Author that are saved as processing instructions with a custom type. One use-case for this new API is to create custom comment types in the Review pane.
  • API to Draw Connecting Arrows from Side-Views to Editor - The sync.api.GuidingArrowRenderer API was added to make it possible to connect contents in a side-view with the corresponding elements in the editor.
  • New Parameter to Show the DITA Map Pane by default - A new parameter and loading option showDitaMapView was added to show the DITA Map pane by default, without having to use the toolbar button.
  • New API to Improve Performance for the Processing of DITA Key Definitions - The new KeyDefinitionManager.getContextKeyDefinitionsMap API was added and it helps to improve editor performance when the context DITA map contains lots of key definitions.
  • New APIs to Get Details About Document Changes - The new sync.api.AuthorEditingSupport.EventType.BEFORE_MODEL_CHANGED and sync.api.AuthorEditingSupport.EventType.MODEL_CHANGED can be used to let users know when a document's model is changed and the details about what changed in the document.

Component Updates

  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.31 - Updated the Apache Tomcat in the installers to version 9.0.31.
  • Shiro 1.5.2 - Updated the Shiro library to version 1.5.2.
  • Log4j 2.13 - Updated the log4j library to version 2.13.
Outline Pane

Oxygen XML Web Author

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