SQL Monitor v10.1.x

Integriert eine Funktion zum Integrieren von SQL Monitor-Warnungen in Microsoft Teams.
Juni 10, 2020
Neue Version


  • SQL Server Licensing page is out of preview.
  • Set a custom Webhook message to be sent whenever any alert begins, escalates, deescalates, or ends.
    • This is necessary to integrate with some third party tools that require a specific JSON format, such as Microsoft Teams.
  • Active Directory sign in now supports multiple Active Directory domains.
  • Long running query and blocking process alerts now allow regular expression exclusion on login names.
  • Allow Webhook notifications to ignore SSL/TLS errors.
  • Add custom headers to webhook notifications.
  • "Test" button will log errors encountered during testing the connection.
  • Show current status of alert suppression windows (Active/Scheduled/Expired).


  • SRP-13109 Fixed issue with activating trial license extension.
  • SRP-13078 Fixed issue with incorrect units in alert emails.
  • SRP-13063 Start date displayed in Alert Suppression Window list should ignore timezone.
  • SRP-12698 Suppressed notifications for alerts that occur during an alert suppression window are now raised after the window ends if the alerts are still active.
  • SRP-13065 Fix issue with generation of reports for email when the website is accessed through a CNAME entry.
  • SRP-13054 Fixed issue that could cause job duration alerts to display with job start date after alert was raised.
SQL Monitor alerts can be sent to Microsoft Teams.

Redgate Monitor

Echtzeit-Überwachung der PostgreSQL- und SQL Server-Leistung mit Warnungen und Diagnosen.

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