Aspose.Words for .NET V20.12

Verbessert die Unterstützung für Makros zum Lesen, Hinzufügen, Löschen, Importieren und Bearbeiten.
Dezember 8, 2020
Neue Version


  • Added the ability to insert style separator using DOM.
  • LINQ Reporting Engine - Added the ability to import styles from a dynamically inserted document.
  • Added option to perform memory optimization while loading document.
  • Verified that Aspose.Words for Microsoft .NET Standard works with Microsoft .NET 5.0.
  • Added the ability to export inserted SVG as SVG in media folder.
  • Added access to common StructuredDocumentRangeStart properties.
  • Improved support for macros including read/add/delete/import/edit.
  • ManualLayout settings in dataLabel extLst are now taken into account.
  • Exposed FontAttr.SpecialHidden property.
Aspose.Words for .NET

Aspose.Words for .NET

Lesen, ändern und schreiben Sie Word-Dokumente ohne Microsoft Word.

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