Chant VoiceMarkupKit aktualisiert

Sorgen Sie für die Feineinstellung der Sprachsynthese mit einem Text-zu-Sprache-Markup.
März 12, 2021
Neue Version

Chant VoiceMarkupKit is text-to-speech (TTS) markup language management software that enables you to generate TTS markup to enhance the playback quality when synthesizing.

  • Provides a simple way to generate text-to-speech markup. Applications can markup text as part of its runtime operation to enable real-time customization and tailoring of your text-to-speech environment.
  • Simplifies the process of generating Acapela TTS Tag, Microsoft SAPI 5, Nuance L&H Native Control Sequence, and W3C SSML markup language to use with your favorite speech synthesizers.
  • VoiceMarkupKit includes C++, C++Builder, Delphi, Java, and Microsoft .NET Framework, class library formats to support all your programming languages and sample projects for popular IDEs - including Microsoft Visual Studio and Embarcadero RAD Studio.
  • The class libraries can be integrated with 32-bit and 64-bit applications for Microsoft Windows platforms.

Chant VoiceMarkupKit supports the following markup syntax:

  • Acapela TTS Tag.
  • CereProc CereVoice markup.
  • Microsoft SAPI 5 XML markup.
  • Nuance L&H Native Control Sequence.
  • W3C Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).
Chant VoiceMarkupKit

Chant VoiceMarkupKit

Sorgen Sie für die Feineinstellung der Sprachsynthese mit einem Text-zu-Sprache-Markup.

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