Froala Editor v4.0.17

Das Clear Formatting-Tool" löscht jetzt Inlinestile aus eingefügten Inhalten.
Januar 24, 2023
Neue Version


  • Clear Formatting tool now removes inline styles from pasted content.
  • Improved 'keep format on delete' feature which preserves the formatting of deleted text and applies it to replacement text.
  • The buttons for inserting lists are now disabled when an image is selected.
  • When pasting a URL into the editor, typing directly after it without adding a space will cause the user’s text to be part of the link. This allows users to quickly edit the URL without having to open the edit link popup. As URLs typically do not include commas, Froala will now break the link if a comma is typed immediately after it.
Froala Editor

Froala Editor

Webbasierter JavaScript/HTML-WYSIWYG-Texteditor.

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