EdrawMax v12.5.0

Die neue Edraw-KI hilft bei der Erstellung von Flussdiagrammen, Mindmaps, Listen und Tabellen.
Mai 25, 2023
Neue Version


  • You can now access Edraw AI:
    • Generate answers and explanations in response to questions.
    • Generate flowcharts, mind maps, lists and tables with simple commands.
    • Assist with expanding and shortening paragraphs, polishing and breaking text, changing tones and translation.
  • Added new One-Click Edit feature:
    • You can now unify settings for style, fonts, colors, and paragraphs in diagrams with one click.
    • You can now detect possible design problems and provide automatic optimization for font, alignment, color, image size, and other issues in drawings with one click.


Plattformübergreifende Diagrammsoftware.

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