PDFView4NET WPF Edition Verlängerungen

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PDFView4NET WPF Edition 11.3.15 - Subscription Renewals

1 Developer License Subscription Renewal - includes 1 year support subscription

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-541996-1275503

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 195.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends your support and subscription (software updates) for a further year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, your Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the O2 Solutions web site.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • New Subscription Expiry date and information on how to access the software

4 Developer License Subscription Renewal - includes 1 year support subscription

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-541996-1275507

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 489.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends your support and subscription (software updates) for a further year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, your Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the O2 Solutions web site.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • New Subscription Expiry date and information on how to access the software

8 Developer License Subscription Renewal - includes 1 year support subscription

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-541996-1275511

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 685.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends your support and subscription (software updates) for a further year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, your Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the O2 Solutions web site.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • New Subscription Expiry date and information on how to access the software

Corporate Developer License Subscription Renewal - includes 1 year support subscription

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-541996-1275515

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 979.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends your support and subscription (software updates) for a further year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, your Subscription will be extended and you will be able to download the latest version of the software from your account on the O2 Solutions web site.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • New Subscription Expiry date and information on how to access the software

PDFView4NET WPF Edition Lizenzierung

One software license is required per machine.

Corporate License: Allows Unlimited Developers at a single physical address. Includes 1 Year priority support and maintenance.

Run-time royalty free.

Support Subscription: includes regular software updates, priority technical support (2 business days resolution to any issue) and access to registered users area.



78.98 KB
Juni 5, 2020