Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v5.0.7
Released: Sep 16, 2024
Updates in v5.0.7
- Admin Console
- Added a 'Not Authorized' page, rather than a blank page, when a user tries to access a page they do not have access to.
- Added a confirmation dialog when navigating away from a page with unsaved changes.
- Added missing 'Startup Script' and 'Process Startup Script' controls to the environment properties modal.
- Improved performance of job output in the admin console.
- Agent
- Added global exception handling and logging for the agent process.
- APIs
- Added '/api/v1/first-run' endpoint to set first run settings.
- Automation
- Added 'DateOnly' and 'TimeOnly' parameter selectors.
- Added indices to the 'JobOutput' table to improve performance.
- Admin Console
- Fixed an issue where computer groups weren't displayed in the Run On dropdown.
- Fixed an issue where DateTime parameters would not display the time portion of the selector.
- Fixed an issue creating nested folders.
- Fixed an issue displaying schedules that do not include a computer but have a custom environment.
- Library has been renamed to Gallery to align with other nomenclature.
- Fixed an issue where users logging in with a non-admin user would redirect to /admin rather than /portal.
- Fixed issue autocompleting paths in the editor.
- Fixed an issue displaying the default value for scripts in the run and schedule dialog.
- Fixed an issue displaying string array types in the run and schedule dialog.
- Fixed an issue where PowerShell Universal could crash when loading large job output in the admin console.
- Apps
- Fixed an issue where apps would not start when using pwsh.exe.
- Fixed an issue where Set-UDElement did not work with UDExpansionPanel.
- Automation
- Fixed an issue with schedule parameters.
- Fixed an issue where long-running jobs would spawn a new job after some time.
- Module
- Invoke-PSUScript -Name is now more flexible to relative paths.
- Fixed an issue with New-PSUSchedule when changing parameter names of the target script.
- Fixed an issue with TrustCertificate in appsettings.json.
- Fixed an issue where license cmdlets were not implemented properly.
- Portal
- Fixed an issue setting nullable bool attributes in PSBlazor.
- Platform
- Fixed an issue with Windows PowerShell $Env:PSModulePath.
- Modules are now installed in a background job to avoid long delays in the UI.
- Security
- Fixed an issue where certain APIs would not work when SAML2 was enabled.
- Tools
- Fixed an issue migrating terminal history with psudb.exe.