
Released: May 21, 2021

Updates in


  • This release adds Microsoft .NET 5/.NET Core WinForms and WPF interfaces for Microsoft Windows Desktop development.
  • Added new Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 example projects targeting .NET 5.
  • The WPF interfaces have been improved to automatically call Invalidate at end of _Loaded event.
  • The WPF interfaces now include a new read only property: PersistenceDataExists.


  • Fixed an issue with WPF scroll thumb positions when mouse wheel zooming was followed by a programmatic chart update would cause the thumb position to revert to beginning of scrollbar.
  • Fixed an issue with CursorMode = DataCross and CursorMode = DataSquare and RenderEngine = Direct3D.
  • Fixed an issue with CursorMode = DataSquare and Direct2D.
  • Fixed PEP_dwaPOINTCOLORSPTR which was broken and preventing the option for application defined data to be used for PointColors.