
Released: Sep 13, 2022

Updates in


  • Added Microsoft .NET 6 assemblies to the setup. These will be installed at ProEssentials9\DotNet60.
  • Added local Nuget packages. The setup will install the local packages at ProEssentials9\Nuget within the install folder.
  • Updated the walkthroughs and documentation related to .NET 6.
  • The setup now changes the folder structure where assemblies are installed. Important Note this could require you to change the location where your projects find the assemblies. DotNetAnyCpu, DotNet32, and DotNet64 have been replaced with DotNet48\AnyCpu, DotNet48\x64, and DotNet48\x86. After this latest install, it is recommended that you delete these older folders.


  • Fixed the High-Low Area plotting method related to hatch fill. The hatch color for the secondary/inverted color was not changing to the secondary color though the border color was changing.