Spread.NET 14

Released: Nov 17, 2020

Updates in 14


Microsoft .NET 5.0 and Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 Windows Forms Controls

  • This release includes a new NuGet package GrapeCity.Spread.WinForms for .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1 WinForms. Users can create WinForms applications using the Spread controls in .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1 and port existing WinForms projects using GrapeCity Spread. NET controls.
    • Design-time support is limited in the new platforms, so it is recommended to keep using the full-framework (Microsoft .NET 4.5.2 and later) controls in regular .NET WinForms projects. Use those projects for editing and design-time, and create separate projects which link the source and resource files to build .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1 versions.
  • The new GrapeCity.Spread.WinForms NuGet package supports multi-targeting. Use net5.0-windows;netcoreapp3.1 to create multi-targeted builds. Use the NuGet Package Manager in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 to install the GrapeCity.Spread.WinForms package in older .NET 4.5.2+ projects to upgrade the controls.
  • Important Note About Design-Time Support
    • Please note that the design-time support for custom controls in .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1 is limited. The Spread Designer tool and other design-time support like type converters and type editors for the property grid are not supported in this release's new platforms.
    • For design-time support using the Spread Designer tool and other design-time editors, you must use the full-framework controls in a project which targets .NET 4.5.2 or later.
    • You can create parallel projects to build your code for .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1 and share the same source between those projects using source links.
    • You must also save the design-time changes applied using earlier releases of Spread. NET WinForms (v13 and earlier) using v14 to update some classes to serialize the control. Some previously serializable classes in earlier versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework are no longer serializable in .NET 5.

Cell Data Types for Microsoft .NET Objects

  • This feature lets you create a custom data type by defining a class and implementing the properties for the data type, then create objects using that class and set those to cells.
  • Implemented built-in support for wrapping a DataTable or a DataView inside a cell data type.

Hyperlink Enhancements

  • Includes many enhancements for Hyperlink support:
    • Links to cell references.
    • Links to named ranges.
    • Links to tables.
    • Links to email.
    • Links to web sites and files.
    • Links from cells, shapes, and images.
    • Custom tooltip text for links.
    • Automatic creation of links when editing cells.
  • Easily create a table of contents or index for a workbook with links to essential sections organized in cells or shapes, and specify the screen tip text to show the user.
  • Enable the AutoCreateHyperlink feature and create hyperlinks while editing cells.
  • Create internal workbook links using a special syntax like "spread://Sheet1!A1" to specify the location. This syntax also supports named ranges like "spread://SalesSummary" and table names like "spread://Table1".
  • Automatically create hyperlinks to cell locations by typing the link target into cells.
  • Use Ctrl+K to invoke the new built-in Edit Hyperlink dialog to modify the link target, text to display, and screen tip text.
  • Use the HYPERLINK function to create a hyperlink in the cell and specify the text to display. These links can now target cell locations, named ranges, and table names, as well as email addresses, web site, and file links.

LET Function and Formula Performance Optimizations

  • Added new LET function - allows you define local names inside a formula, then use those names to calculate an expression.
  • Optimized calculations by eliminating redundant recalculation of intermediate values that can instead be calculated just once and reused in the calculation.

The Show Formulas Command

  • The new Show Formulas command works similar to Microsoft Excel: press Ctrl+` to toggle the Show Formulas mode.

Edit Points to Create Custom Shapes

  • The new Edit Points command enables users to customize the points and segments of the shape.

Enhanced Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Introduces a new simple property for enabling Microsoft Excel compatible keyboard shortcuts in the spreadsheet for the end-user.
  • Set FpSpread.Features.ExcelCompatibleKeyboardShortcuts= true in design-time or initialization code, and the following key mappings are loaded to associate these built-in SpreadAction objects with the default keyboard shortcuts:
    • Press Ctrl + ' - DisplayFormulas: allows you to toggle Show Formulas mode.
    • Press Ctrl + 1 - ShowFormatCellsDialog: allows you to show Format Cells dialog.
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + F5 - ShowCard allows: you to show Card (for .NET object).
    • Press Ctrl + K - ShowHyperlinkDialog: allows you to show Edit Hyperlink dialog.
    • Press Ctrl + Enter - EditMultipleCells: allows you to input data for multiple cells.

Multiple Sheet Select

  • Added new built-in support for Selecting Multiple Worksheets using Ctrl + Click on the worksheet tab.