MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF V3.6.3

Released: May 25, 2021

Updates in V3.6.3


  • Lasso zoom tool - The control now supports several ways to zoom using Lasso tool:
    • Set the Behavior property to Zoom to always draw a zoom lasso.
    • Set the Zoom flag for one of the ModifierKeyActions keys to let users draw a zoom lasso with the respective modifier key pressed, along with the left mouse button.
    • Assign the Zoom value to the RightButtonActions or MiddleButtonActions property to zoom using the mouse button.
  • Layout improvements
    • Automatic layout classes now process DiagramLinks connected to TreeViewItems.
    • You can now set the LayeredLayout CompactLaterally property to create more compact layouts.
  • Miscellaneous
    • ImageAlign now supports FitLeft, FitTop, FitRight and FitBottom alignment styles, which resize an image to fit a node's boundaries and align it to the respective border.
    • The InitializeLasso event now lets you customize the appearance of a selection lasso before it shows on screen.
    • The Behavior property setter no longer clears current selection. Call the SetBehavior method with true argument instead if you need selection cleared too.