Telerik UWP ExpanderThe UWP Expander control consists of a main content presenter and an expandable content presenter that can be collapsed/expanded by the end user.
Telerik UWP GaugeThe UWP Gauge control helps you build business dashboards or craft graphical indicators. It includes a rich assortment of circular, linear and numeric gauge types and offers powerful customization capabilities.
Telerik UWP Grid - CustomizationThe UWP Grid lets you easily visualize rich data by customizing Grid cells to accommodate images, charts and other rich visuals.
Telerik UWP Grid - FilteringThe UWP Grid lets you filter any type of data - string, decimal, Boolean, date and time. The various filtering functions will enable your users to apply any filtering criteria.
Telerik UWP Grid - SelectionThe UWP Grid controls offers all selection modes - cell or row, single or multiple. As with the rest of RadGrid’s features, a specific selection mode can be enabled with a single property.
Telerik UWP Grid - SortingThe UWP Grid lets you enable ascending or descending sorting with a single property, and let your users sort data by tapping on column headers.
Telerik UWP HexViewThe UWP HexView is an items control that arranges RadHexHubTile items in a honeycomb pattern.
Telerik UWP HubTileThe UWP HubTile is a rectangular UI element designed specifically to update itself dynamically and show the latest up to date information from different services or apps even when they are not running.
Telerik UWP ListViewThe UWP ListView control supports UI virtualization, pull to refresh, load on demand, item selection, filtering, grouping, sorting, header, footer, layout strategies, per item gestures, item reordering and animations.
Telerik UWP ListView - GroupingThe UWP ListView control allows developers to group their app data by as many criteria as necessary. In addition, the control provides an easy way to visualize and customize the group headers.
Telerik UWP ListView - LayoutsThe UWP ListView control offers two built-in layout types. Stack arranges items in a vertical / horizontal scrolling list. Wrap arranges items in a wrapped grid.
Telerik UWP ListView - SelectionThe UWP ListView control supports both single and multiple selection.
Telerik UWP LoopingListThe UWP LoopingList control allows users to visualize a list of data items in a single column with great performance and a looping capability.
Telerik UWP MapThe UWP Map control is ultra fast thanks to the native C++ library, using Direct2D for rendering shapes. It can display spatial data from ESRI shapefiles, as well as any user defined content in a geographical context.
Telerik UWP NumericBoxThe UWP NumericBox control provides functionality for selecting numeric values within a predefined range. It exposes a convenient API to customize its behavior to best fit customer’s business requirements.
Telerik UWP PaginationThe UWP Pagination control allows for current page tracking and previous, next and exact page navigation. Use it in your application alongside other Item Controls to get more features and create detailed visualizations.
Telerik UWP RadialMenuThe UWP RadialMenu is an innovative and space-saving toolbar providing the end user with variety of options to choose from. The RadialMenu is especially useful on touch devices as they enable the developers to place many commands and options in a flexible and dynamic UI container.
Telerik UWP RatingThe UWP Rating control provides the end-user with the ability to evaluate something by choosing from a range of rating items associated with a given value. The selection happens when one of the rating items is tapped or by applying a pan gesture over the rating items.
Telerik UWP SideDrawerThe UWP SideDrawer is a control enabling quick and easy navigation across all levels of your app. It can be accessed from anywhere within your app as it has four built-in opening directions and an array of predefined open/close animations.
Telerik UWP BulletGraphThe UWP BulletGraph control serves as a replacement for dashboard gauges and meters, which typically don't display enough information, require too much space, and can be cluttered with useless and distracting decorations.
Telerik UWP ChartThe UWP Chart control features a rich set of chart series from Bar, Line, Area, Pie, Scatter and Polar charts to different financial series. The control is optimized for performance on any device and screen size running Windows 10.
Telerik UWP Chart - AnnotationsThe UWP Chart control supports annotations, which allow users to make notes of trends or observations on charts.
Telerik UWP Chart - Empty ValuesThe UWP Chart control allows displaying non-continuous data on the chart's plot area. Missing values will be represented as gaps.
Telerik UWP Chart - FinancialThe UWP Chart control supports Candle and OHLC (Open High Low Close) series. These series operate with special data points, which hold information about each of the following parameters: open, high, low, close and are instrumental for financial app scenarios.
Telerik UWP DataBoundListBoxThe UWP DataBoundListBox control lets you visualize large amounts of data, and offers highly optimized performance and user interaction responsiveness.
Telerik UWP DataFormThe DataForm (a.k.a. PropertyGrid) control for Windows 10 apps helps you edit the properties of a business object during runtime and build mobile forms.