Barcode Xpress .NET v13.7

Améliore la détection des modèles de localisateur QR estompés ou endommagés.
Janvier 6, 2022
Nouvelle Version


  • Improved detection of faded or damaged QR Locator Patterns.
  • New Barcode Xpress for .NET Framework samples - Added new easy-to-use GitHub samples. These samples are deliberately minimal, designed to give developers clear, concise examples of how to get started with Barcode Xpress in a few minutes.
  • Barcode Xpress for .NET Framework now comes in a ZIP archive - Barcode Xpress is now shipped within a ZIP archive instead of an installer, allowing you to get started quickly and easily.
  • QR Code decoding - Improved the ability to decode QR Codes with interior distortion.
  • Documentation Updates:
    • Added a new "Is this page helpful?" question to the bottom of each page, allowing you to send "Yes" or "No" feedback with a single click.
    • Added a new topic explaining how to encode and decode barcodes which contain Kanji/Kana symbols.
Barcode Xpress .NET

Barcode Xpress .NET

Détectez, lisez et écrivez plus de 30 types de codes-barres 1D ou 2D.

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