Prix de Barcode Xpress .NET

Pour en savoir plus sur les licences Barcode Xpress .NET, contactez nos experts en licences Accusoft.

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Toutes les Licences (21)
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Devise :

Barcode Xpress .NET v13.x - Development Toolkit - Standard

*Speed: Standard Edition is limited to 40 pages per minute. Professional Edition is unlimited. Additional deployment licenses are required.

1D Standard .NET SDK

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553640

Licences et Livraison $ 1,960.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One software runtime license is required per CPU.

The distributed Run-time is NOT royalty free.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1D/2D Standard .NET SDK

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553642

Licences et Livraison $ 1,960.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One software runtime license is required per CPU.

The distributed Run-time is NOT royalty free.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

Barcode Xpress .NET v13.x - Development Toolkit - Professional

*Speed: Standard Edition is limited to 40 pages per minute. Professional Edition is unlimited. Additional deployment licenses are required.

1D Professional .NET SDK

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553620

Licences et Livraison $ 1,960.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One software runtime license is required per CPU.

The distributed Run-time is NOT royalty free.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1D/2D Professional .NET SDK

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553622

Licences et Livraison $ 1,960.00 Ajouter au Caddie

One software runtime license is required per CPU.

The distributed Run-time is NOT royalty free.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

Barcode Xpress .NET v13.x - Deployment - Standard - 1D

Licensed per installation (minimum initial purchase is 20 installations)

1 Install Deployment License (Min Qty: 5)

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553646

Licences et Livraison $ 112.70 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

Licensed per installation (minimum initial purchase is 20 installations)

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1 Install Deployment License (Min Qty: 10)

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553648

Licences et Livraison $ 107.80 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 10

Licensed per installation (minimum initial purchase is 20 installations)

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1 Install Deployment License (Min Qty: 25)

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553650

Licences et Livraison $ 98.00 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 25

Licensed per installation (minimum initial purchase is 20 installations)

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

Barcode Xpress .NET v13.x - Deployment - Standard - 1D/2D

Licensed per installation (minimum initial purchase is 20 installations)

1 Install Deployment License (Min Qty: 5)

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553654

Licences et Livraison $ 343.00 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

Licensed per installation (minimum initial purchase is 20 installations)

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1 Install Deployment License (Min Qty: 10)

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553656

Licences et Livraison $ 323.40 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 10

Licensed per installation (minimum initial purchase is 20 installations)

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1 Install Deployment License (Min Qty: 25)

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553658

Licences et Livraison $ 294.00 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 25

Licensed per installation (minimum initial purchase is 20 installations)

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

Barcode Xpress .NET v13.x - Deployment - Professional - 1D

Licensed per processor.

1 Processor Deployment License

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553624

Licences et Livraison $ 509.60 Ajouter au Caddie

Licensed per processor.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1 Processor Deployment License (Min Qty: 5)

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553626

Licences et Livraison $ 431.20 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

Licensed per processor.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1 Processor Deployment License (Min Qty: 10)

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1 Processor Deployment License (Min Qty: 25)

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Barcode Xpress .NET v13.x - Deployment - Professional - 1D/2D

Licensed per processor.

1 Processor Deployment License

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553632

Licences et Livraison $ 1,176.00 Ajouter au Caddie

Licensed per processor.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1 Processor Deployment License (Min Qty: 5)

Notre Référence #: CS-510076-1553634

Licences et Livraison $ 931.00 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

Licensed per processor.

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After verification, your purchase will be added to your Accusoft Customer Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email, Usually within 1 business day.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Accusoft Customer Portal Login details

1 Processor Deployment License (Min Qty: 10)

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1 Processor Deployment License (Min Qty: 25)

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Barcode Xpress .NET Support Options

Upgrade Support for Applications - priced per year

Upgrade Support provides limited email support and all product upgrades for licensed Accusoft applications - priced per year.

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Priority Support for Applications - priced per year

Priority Support provides first-in-line priority email service with responses in less than six hours, plus live chat (available through My Accusoft) and direct phone support from the Accusoft support staff during normal Tampa, Florida business hours (8am-5pm GMT -5) - priced per year.

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Expedited Support for Applications - priced per year

Expedited Support includes all of the benefits of Priority Support plus 24/7/365 technical support resources - priced per year.

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Barcode Xpress .NET Licensing

One software runtime license is required per CPU.
The distributed Run-time is NOT royalty free.

'Client' and 'Server' are general industry terms that might be interpreted in different ways. Pegasus defines 'Client' machines as 'operated by a person', and 'Server' machines as 'operated by a process'. (ex. If you have a computer that monitors a folder for new files to process, by some cue or timer, those files with Pegasus Code, this is defined by Pegasus as a 'Server'.) Literal translations are not an 'out' from the true Pegasus Licensing intent.

'CPU', 'Seat', 'User', 'Computer', 'Installation' and 'Runtime' are general industry terms that are used interchangeably. 'Multi-processor' computers and 'multi-core' processors (chips) are counted by Pegasus as multiple CPU's or seats, so a 'dual-core' processor counts as two CPUs. (ex. If you have installed Pegasus Code on a dual processor computer, and the Pegasus Code is being utilized by both of those processors, but this is only one 'computer' with only 'one seat' at this machine that you just 'installed once', by Pegasus definition this is still two 'Seats', two 'Installs' and two 'Computers'.) Literal translations are not an 'out' from the true Pegasus Licensing intent.

Please read the Licensing Information Web page from the Evals & Downloads section.

Note: If you are deploying a combination of Pegasus Imaging products, special discounts will apply. The cost will be the higher cost runtime plus 1/3 of additional runtime fees. Please contact
For example: If you are purchasing Product A Runtime ($120) and Product B Runtime ($150) together, runtimes won't be added together. Total price will be $190 (Product B $150 + 1/3 of Product A $40).

Barcode Xpress is priced according to the reading speed required and number of runtimes installed. Before purchasing a development kit, determine the barcodes per second (BPS) speed requirement. This determines which edition is needed, Barcodes per second (BPS) Speed:

  • Standard Edition: 4 BPS
  • Professional Edition: Unlimited BPS

PEGASUS grants the LICENSEE a limited and non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use, reproduce, display or otherwise distribute right to use one copy of a properly registered Barcode Xpress ("TOOLKIT") for development purposes on any single computer, provided the TOOLKIT is in use on only one computer at any time. The TOOLKIT is "in-use" on a computer when it is loaded into temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (i.e. hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) of that computer. Please review all other licensing regulations detailed in the licensing HTML file (located in the Evals and Demos section of this product page).

Please note: In order to receive your development/developer (SDK) license key you may be required to purchase runtime licenses at the same time. (Usually a minimum of 5 runtime licenses is required).
If you are purchasing additional developer licenses this requirement may not be necessary providing you already have a Runtime license agreement with Accusoft, you will still need to purchase runtime licenses according to your deployment needs.

A member of the ComponentSource Sales Team will contact you after you place your order to check that you have the licenses you require and will then send you information to access your license keys.

If you have any questions or require a a full quotation for Development and Deployment licenses please contact us

Contrats de licence