amCharts 5: Maps

amCharts: Maps is an add-on to amCharts: Charts. Use it to add full-fledged interactive maps to your web site or application. amCharts is a ready-made JavaScript library that allows you to add interactive charts to a vast array of applications. With built-in support for TypeScript and ES6 modules, it is fully compatible with Angular, React, Vue.js as well as vanilla JavaScript applications. The map package bundles hundreds of country and regional maps, all available in two versions: high and low detail. Based on GeoJSON standard for its functionality, if a map exists it probably exists in GeoJSON format, and if not there’s probably one available in ESRI shape format, which you can easily convert to GeoJSON.

Series-Based Approach

  • Multi-type series
    • Everything on the maps is organized in "series": areas/countries (polygons), markers (images), lines.
    • Makes it super easy to apply appearance settings or attach behavior to a bunch of elements at once.
    • Series-based approach allows easy structuring of elements, toggling, and other control.
    • It also allows specifying what exactly to include or exclude from GeoJSON. Do you want just a map of Europe? Simply specify country codes that you want to be included. A...

Dernières nouvelles

amCharts 5: Charts v5.3.17
amCharts 5: Charts v5.3.17
June 30, 2023Nouvelle Version
Améliore les info-bulles, l’accessibilité et le plugin JSON.
amCharts 5: Charts v5.3.10
amCharts 5: Charts v5.3.10
April 11, 2023Nouvelle Version
Améliore le rendu et le dimensionnement des info-bulles HTML.
amCharts 5: Charts v5.3.3
amCharts 5: Charts v5.3.3
February 10, 2023Nouvelle Version
Ajout d'une nouvelle méthode qui permet d’ajouter des traductions personnalisées à un paramètre régional.
amCharts 5: Charts v5.3.0
amCharts 5: Charts v5.3.0
January 31, 2023Nouvelle Version
Ajoute un nouveau plugin JSON permettant d’analyser les configurations sérialisées (JSON) dans les graphiques.
amCharts 5: Maps v5.2.42
amCharts 5: Maps v5.2.42
December 20, 2022Nouvelle Version
Ajoute un nouveau paramètre permettant d’inverser la direction des angles de polygone dans des données GeoJSON.
amCharts 5: Maps v5.2.32
amCharts 5: Maps v5.2.32
November 18, 2022Nouvelle Version
Permet désormais de définir un type de ligne "droite" ou "courbe" pour chaque ligne de carte.

Prix à partir de : $ 176.40

amCharts 5: Maps is an add-on and requires that you have a valid license of amCharts 5: Charts. All Licensed Software is licensed on a per-developer basis and each developer must have an individual...

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Discutez en direct avec l'un de nos spécialiste des licences amCharts .

En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de amCharts.
Type de composant
  • Javascript
  • Angulaire
  • ECMAScript 6 (ES6)
  • Réagir
  • TypeScript (TypeScript)
  • Vue. js

Prix récents
