Data Abstract for Delphi

Data Abstract for Delphi makes it easy to build database-driven applications for all major platforms. It uses a multi-tier approach to data access, making data access easy, fast and secure for the modern online world.

Data Abstract Features

  • On the server tier, you have full control over how data is accessed and modified, making sure that client applications cannot bypass your rules or leave data in an inconsistent state. And all of that without having to write and maintain a server application yourself.
  • In your client application, Data Abstract provides a simple yet flexible API that makes it easy to request data, modify it, and send it back to the server – right away or later on. All without messing with...

Dernières nouvelles

Data Abstract for Delphi
Data Abstract for Delphi
February 17, 2022Nouvelle Version
Prend désormais en charge l'intégration de Delphi pour les utilisateurs non administrateur, via .train.
Remoting SDK
Remoting SDK
September 21, 2021Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge Embarcadero Delphi et C++Builder 11 Alexandria.
Data Abstract for Delphi
Data Abstract for Delphi
September 21, 2021Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge Embarcadero Delphi 11 Alexandria.
Data Abstract for Delphi
Data Abstract for Delphi
August 13, 2021Nouvelle Version
Développe la syntaxe TRIM dans les fonctions de macro, et ajoute de nouvelles expressions DynamicWhere.
Remoting SDK
Remoting SDK
August 13, 2021Nouvelle Version
Ajoute la compatibilité avec .NET Core 5 ainsi qu’une meilleure intégration des nouvelles fonctionnalités de plateforme .NET.
Data Abstract for Delphi
Data Abstract for Delphi
July 10, 2020Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge Embarcadero Delphi 10.4 Sydney.

Prix à partir de : $ 1,469.02

Licensed per User, per Year Includes Free Updates and Standard Support. To continue to use the software at the end of your subscription period you will need to purchase a Subscription License Renewal...

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