Prix de Fiddler Everywhere

Pour en savoir plus sur les licences Fiddler Everywhere, contactez nos experts en licences Telerik.

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Toutes les Licences (6)
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Devise :

Fiddler Everywhere Pro v6.x

1 User - 1 Year Annual License (Includes Standard Support)

Référence Editeur # : 9904-09904Notre Référence #: CS-557238-1556234

Licences et Livraison $ 141.12 Ajouter au Caddie

One software license is required per user, per year.
Includes Standard Support (Email support and guidance).
You will need to purchase a License Renewal after your initial 1 Year license to continue to use the software.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Fiddler Everywhere Pro Annual 1 Year License

1 User - 1 Year Annual License Renewal (Includes Standard Support)

Référence Editeur # : 9904-9312Notre Référence #: CS-557238-1556235

Licences et Livraison $ 141.12 Ajouter au Caddie

Extends your License and support for an additional 1 Year.
Includes Standard Support (Email support and guidance).

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Fiddler Everywhere Pro Annual 1 Year License Renewal

1 User - 3 Year Annual License (Includes Standard Support)

Référence Editeur # : 9904-09904 (3 year)Notre Référence #: CS-557238-1491939

Licences et Livraison $ 423.36 Ajouter au Caddie

One software license is required per user, per year. 3Year Subscription must be renewed at the end of the 3 years.
Includes Standard Support (Email support and guidance).
You will need to purchase a License Renewal after your initial 3 Year license to continue to use the software.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Fiddler Everywhere Pro Annual 3 Years License

1 User - 3 Year Annual License Renewal (Includes Standard Support)

Référence Editeur # : 9904-9312 (3 year)Notre Référence #: CS-557238-1491940

Licences et Livraison $ 423.36 Ajouter au Caddie

Extends your License and support for an additional 3 Year.
Includes Standard Support (Email support and guidance).

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Fiddler Everywhere Pro Annual 3 Years License Renewal

Fiddler Everywhere Enterprise v6.x

1 User - 1 Year Annual License (Includes Priority Support)

Référence Editeur # : 9903-09903Notre Référence #: CS-557238-1491937

Licences et Livraison $ 411.60 Ajouter au Caddie

One software license is required per user, per year.
Includes Priority Support (Concierge-level support, your case is escalated to the top of the queue).
You will need to purchase an Annual License Renewal each year to continue to use the software.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Fiddler Everywhere Enterprise Annual License

1 User - 1 Year Annual License Renewal (Includes Priority Support)

Référence Editeur # : 9903-9309Notre Référence #: CS-557238-1491938

Licences et Livraison $ 411.60 Ajouter au Caddie

Extends your License and support for an additional 1 Year.
Includes Priority Support (Concierge-level support, your case is escalated to the top of the queue).

Les termes de licence de ce produit demande que nous vérifions votre éligibilité avant d'être envoyer.

After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Fiddler Everywhere Enterprise Annual License Renewal

Fiddler Everywhere Licensing

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license each year.

Fiddler Everywhere Pro Fiddler Everywhere Enterprise
For individual and smaller teams that need to securely debug without sacrifices. For larger teams and organizations that need additional control and support.
Full feature access. Includes enterprise-specific enhancements.
Unlimited rules and requests. Everything in Pro.
Team collaboration. Offline Mode.
  Policy driven installation.
  Managed App Configuration.
Lite Support.
72h response time, 10 tickets per user, per month
Priority Support.
24h response time, Unlimited tickets

Contrats de licence