ImageGear PDF

ImageGear PDF lets you add annotation, conversion, compression, and PDF manipulation capabilities to your application. You can integrate the ability to merge, insert or remove pages, reorder pages, and more.

ImageGear PDF Features

  • Conversion - No matter where the document originates, the PDF SDK allows developers to add conversion functionality from a myriad of different file types to PDF or vice versa, depending on the end-user’s need.
  • Compression - Improve the overall size of saved PDF documents by reducing or removing data structures in a PDF document. Compress original PDF files by up to 45 percent, saving valuable space in your storage. ImageGear PDF analyzes the elements to apply optimal...

Dernières nouvelles

ImageGear PDF v26.3
ImageGear PDF v26.3
November 8, 2022Nouvelle Version
Permet désormais de convertir des documents PDF au format PDF/A-2b.
ImageGear PDF v25.2
ImageGear PDF v25.2
September 28, 2022Nouvelle Version
Ajoute une nouvelle fonction d'assistance pour analyser les types d'objets numériques (entiers/réels) et les convertir (doubles).
ImageGear PDF v25.1
ImageGear PDF v25.1
May 6, 2021Nouvelle Version
Inclut des améliorations relatifs à l'OCR pour la gestion des attributs de police.
ImageGear PDF v25.0
ImageGear PDF v25.0
March 22, 2021Nouvelle Version
Améliore l’API OCR et la bibliothèque PostScript.
One developer license is required per developer per platform. Run-time NOT royalty free. ImageGear PDF Support Plans: Standard Support is included in the annual contract price for Toolkits and Runtime...

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Component Type
  • .NET Class

Prix récents
