LEADTOOLS PDF OCR Module provides functionality to output an OCR job as searchable (text) PDF. Available as an optional module for the LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDK or LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging SDK with the OCR Module.

The LEADTOOLS PDF OCR SDK Plug-in adds PDF OCR output technology to any LEADTOOLS OCR module. Several PDF output options are available including text only and image over text formatting for PDF and PDF/A.

Overview of LEADTOOLS PDF OCR SDK Plug-in Technology

  • For development of Windows applications and includes native 32 and 64 bit PDF OCR output binaries
  • Add PDF OCR output technology to single and multi-threaded applications
  • Includes many broad and functionally specific demo projects with source...

Dernières nouvelles

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging V18 released
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging V18 released
January 31, 2013Édition
New annotation engine for WinForms and WPF compatible with JavaScript and WinRT.
LEADTOOLS adds significant new features
LEADTOOLS adds significant new features
September 14, 2012Édition
Updates include enhancements to HTML5, Document and Medical Imaging functionality.
Detect, read and write Barcodes in Silverlight
Detect, read and write Barcodes in Silverlight
July 11, 2011Édition
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging V17.5 also dramatically increases barcode recognition speed by up to 9X.
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging 17.0 released
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging 17.0 released
July 20, 2010Édition
Latest release adds Silverlight class libraries and controls, plus updates to OCR and forms recognition technologies.
LEADTOOLS Licensing: Product Configurations LEADTOOLS SDKs include stand alone SDKs and Add On Modules and Plug Ins. You must own a license to a standalone SDK to be eligible to purchase a license to...

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En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de LEADTOOLS.
Type de composant
  • .NET WinForms
  • .NET Class
  • .NET WCF
  • .NET WPF
  • DLL
  • VC++ Class Library

Prix récents
