Lancements de Nevron Chart for SharePoint

Released: Apr 6, 2022

Mises à jour de 2022.1


  • Improved Installation - The SharePoint Vision installer has been improved to better report common installation problems as well as to allow for registration of version ranges for assembly binding. This is useful when migrating pages that contain older versions of the web parts in the suite.
  • Added axis settings for controlling the tick density on categorical scales. The categorical axes now support 'Min Distance', 'Max Count', and 'Custom Step' tick settings.
  • Added the ability to...

Released: Jun 3, 2019

Mises à jour de 2019.1


  • Support for Microsoft SharePoint 2019.
  • New Ternary Chart type
    • This feature allows you to display Ternary Point and Ternary Bubble series inside a ternary chart. A ternary chart is a type of plot on three variables which sum to a constant.
  • Point Series Droplines
    • The Point Series now supports drop lines. Drop lines are lines which extend from the point X, Y, Z value to the chart walls. Optionally drop lines can extend to the axis Min, Max value or to a user-specified value (drop...

Released: Nov 18, 2016

Mises à jour de 2016.1


  • Support for SharePoint Server 2016.
  • New Heat Map series - this charting type lets you display a matrix of elevation values as a grid of colors, which are taken from an associated palette. In addition the heat map series can show a set of contour lines (isolines) that cross specified elevation values.
  • New Subtypes for Polar Charts - the Polar chart contains the Polar Range and Polar Vector chart subtypes. Both chart subtypes allows you to visualize a pair of polar coordinates as a...

Released: Sep 16, 2015

Updates in this release

Updates in 2015.1

  • Enhancements to Nevron Chart for SharePoint
    • New Tree Map series - this unique for SharePoint charting type lets you display tree map charts that display hierarchical data from your data set. The Tree Map series features many advanced coloring and labeling options.
    • New Linear Regression Calculated Series - this new calculated series helps you display a linear interpolation of a categorical or XY scatter data set.
    • New Polynomial Regression Calculated Series - this new calculated...

Released: Jun 18, 2014

Updates in this release

Updates in 2014.1

  • Performance - The Charting web part now uses the Nevron Chart for .NET 2014.1 charting engine. This leads to performance improvements in nearly all charting types including significant performance gains in all 3D charting types.
  • Chart Calculated Series (Trend Lines) - Calculated Series are lines that display a trend or formula that is based on master series values.
  • Others Pie Group - Built-in support for grouping slices that are below a certain value or percent in an Others...

Released: Jun 11, 2014

Updates in this release

Updates in 2014.1

  • Performance - The Chart and Gauge Web Parts now use the highly optimized Nevron Chart for .NET 2014.1 charting engine. This leads to performance improvements in nearly all charting types. Significant performance gains are experienced in all 3D charting types.
  • Chart Calculate Series (Trend Lines) - The Chart Web Part now has full support for Calculated Series. Calculated Series are line series that are attached to a master series and display a trend line or formula that is based...

Released: May 23, 2012

Updates in this release

Updates in 2012.1 (build

  • Expressions Everywhere - Nearly all properties can be specified by an expression
  • Chart Elements - Chart areas, values and titles now have controllable visibility
  • Conditional Data Points Appearance - Quickly author complex "color coding" logic with expressions
  • Predefined Parameters - Create audience sensitive expressions and evaluate to different values based on who is viewing the Web part
  • Field Filters as Parameters - Visually create complex dashboards with...

Released: Jul 11, 2011

Updates in this release

Updates in 2011.1

  • Parameters and drill down reports - This exciting new feature allows for the development of interactive dashboards and drill down reports. Parameters can be consumed from any expression, they can be passed as arguments to the newly added JumpToReport action. Parameters can also be directly integrated into any SharePoint page.
  • SharePoint List and WebPartTable data sources connection - The Chart/Gauge Web Part has the ability to connect to SharePoint List and WebPartTable data...