Prix de SQL Toolbelt Essentials

Pour en savoir plus sur les licences SQL Toolbelt Essentials, contactez nos experts en licences Redgate Software.

Nos prix réguliers sont présentés ci-dessous. Veuillez vous connecter pour voir vos prix réduits.

Toutes les Licences (12)
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SQL Toolbelt Essentials - 1 Year Subscription License

1 User - 1 Year Subscription License

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M12Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551516

Licences et Livraison $ 1,342.44 Ajouter au Caddie

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

1 User - 1 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 5)

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M12Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551517

Licences et Livraison $ 1,274.13 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

1 User - 1 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 10)

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M12Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551518

Licences et Livraison $ 1,208.79 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 10

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

SQL Toolbelt Essentials - 2 Year Subscription License

1 User - 2 Year Subscription License

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M24Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551519

Licences et Livraison $ 2,684.88 Ajouter au Caddie

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

1 User - 2 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 5)

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M24Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551520

Licences et Livraison $ 2,548.26 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

1 User - 2 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 10)

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M24Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551521

Licences et Livraison $ 2,417.58 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 10

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

SQL Toolbelt Essentials - 3 Year Subscription License

1 User - 3 Year Subscription License

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M36Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551522

Licences et Livraison $ 4,027.32 Ajouter au Caddie

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

1 User - 3 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 5)

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M36Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551523

Licences et Livraison $ 3,822.39 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 5

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

1 User - 3 Year Subscription License (Min Qty: 10)

Référence Editeur # : SKU-134 / P158U1M36Notre Référence #: CS-551855-1551524

Licences et Livraison $ 3,626.37 Ajouter au CaddieQté min. 10

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software after the subscription term you will need to renew the license subscription.

After successfully placing your order you will receive an email with your Redgate Software Account details which you can use to access your license and download the software.

Envoi par e-mail :
  • Download instructions and Serial Numbers for SQL Toolbelt Essentials

SQL Toolbelt Essentials - Subscription License Renewals

To renew your Subscription License please call us for a quote.

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SQL Toolbelt Essentials - Perpetual Licenses

Only available to customers who already own SQL Toolbelt Essentials Perpetual Licenses.

To buy Perpetual Licenses please call us for a quote.

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To buy Support and Upgrade Renewals for Perpetual Licenses please call us for a quote.

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SQL Toolbelt Essentials Licensing

SQL Toolbelt Essentials requires one software license per user.

Support and upgrades
For the duration of the purchased support period; 1 Year, 2 Years or 3 Years, you will receive:

  • Free upgrades: when a new major version of the software is released, you'll get it for free.
  • Full support: if you hit any problems, you can speak to a dedicated product support engineer by email, forum, or phone.

Not sure which SQL Toolbelt Essentials License you need to buy?
As an official SQL Toolbelt Essentials Reseller/Distributor, we can help you buy the right SQL Toolbelt Essentials License. Please, feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Contrats de licence

139.39 KB
Novembre 22, 2024
155.62 KB
Novembre 18, 2024