RemObjects Elements

RemObjects Elements is a modern multi-purpose software development tool chain. It supports six popular programming languages: Oxygene (Object Pascal), Swift, C#, Java, Go and Mercury (VB), for all modern platforms. With Elements, you program for any platform you like – whether individually, or while sharing code between projects and platforms. And it comes with rich integrated development environments (IDEs) for Mac and Windows, making you productive, no matter where you work or what platform(s) you target.

The Elements compiler tool chain gives you a choice of six programming languages and related tools that allow you to build apps for all major platforms. From iOS to Android, from Windows to the Mac, from ASP.NET over Java services to WebAssembly. No matter which language you choose, Oxygene, C#, Swift, Java, Go or Mercury (VB), you can use it across all the platforms.

Developers on Windows can use Water, the custom-built IDE specially for Elements. And if you work on the Mac, you can use Fire...

Dernières nouvelles

RemObjects Elements 12
RemObjects Elements 12
September 6, 2023Nouvelle Version
Introduit CodeBot, un assistant de codage intelligent alimenté par l’IA pour l’IDE Fire.
RemObjects Elements
RemObjects Elements
June 6, 2023Nouvelle Version
Les propriétés dans Oxygene peuvent désormais être marquées avec l'instruction "required".
RemObjects Elements
RemObjects Elements
March 21, 2023Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge les ressources Delphi sur Darwin et Linux.
RemObjects Elements
RemObjects Elements
February 28, 2023Nouvelle Version
Améliore la compatibilité C# 11 et Delphi.
RemObjects Elements
RemObjects Elements
December 5, 2022Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge l’évaluation des objets Delphi et la capture des exceptions.
RemObjects Elements
RemObjects Elements
November 2, 2022Nouvelle Version
Améliore la logique du débogueur et la prise en charge des points d’arrêt.

Prix à partir de : $ 979.02

Licensed per User, per Year Includes Free Updates and Standard Support. To continue to use the software at the end of your subscription period you will need to purchase a Subscription License Renewal...

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RemObjects Software
En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de RemObjects Software.
Product Type
  • Application
  • Add-In

Prix récents
