TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android

TeeChart Charting functionality has been extended to the mobile platform, integrating into and offering Charts, Maps and Gauges for Android, Windows Phone 7 and iPhone/ iPad development environments. TeeChart for .NET (Xamarin compiler) Chart for Android uses the C# version derived from the TeeChart for .NET codebase. Built in Xamarin for Android.

TeeChart mobile charting components offers the most common chart types, gauges and maps with customizable tools for data visualization in the mobile applications.

TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android Feature Summary

  • 100% sourcecode available. The TeeChart for .NET sourcecode version includes 100% native C# code used to build TeeChart for Xamarin.Android assembly in Visual Studio or MonoDevelop with Xamarin.Android license.
  • Default support for Android v2.1 multi-touch versions and greater from both...

Dernières nouvelles

TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android 2018
TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android 2018
February 7, 2018Nouvelle Version
Améliore le rendu des graphiques de zone.
TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android released
TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android released
April 30, 2013Édition
Charts, maps and gauges for Android development environments.

Prix à partir de : $ 332.22

Developer License: One software license is required per machine. Run-time royalty free. Includes 1 Year Subscription for minor and major updates and upgrades. Web Server License: A TeeChart Web Server...

TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.Android est également disponible en :

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Steema Software
En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de Steema Software.
Type de composant
  • .NET Class

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