À propos de TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.iOS

Graphiques, cartes et jauges pour les environnements de développement pour iPhone/iPad.

TeeChart Charting functionality has been extended to the mobile platform, integrating into and offering Charts, Maps and Gauges for Android, Windows Phone 7 and iPhone/ iPad development environments. TeeChart for .NET (Xamarin compiler) Chart for iPhone and iPad uses the C# version derived from the TeeChart for .NET codebase. Built in Xamarin for iOS.

TeeChart mobile charting components offers the most common chart types, gauges and maps with customizable tools for data visualization in the mobile applications.

TeeChart.NET for Xamarin.iOS Feature Summary

  • 100% sourcecode available. The TeeChart for NET sourcecode version includes 100% native C# code used to build TeeChart for .NET assembly in MonoDevelop with Xamarin iOS (MonoTouch) license.
  • Mac iOS platform - iPhone and iPad devices - supported
  • 50 Chart styles (in 2D and 3D plus multiple combinations) including Gauges
  • 38 mathematical functions
  • Chart Tool components for additional functionality, like dragging series marks, annotation objects, cursors and manual trend lines, coloring bands, etc
  • Multiple-axis support both horizontal and vertical
  • Customisation of axis labels and legend items
  • Great cosmetic properties for all texts and drawings
  • Complete set of chart styles, both in 2D and 3D
  • Live and animated zoom and scroll. Mobile gestures supported
  • 2D and 3D
  • Custom drawing canvas
  • Extensive demos
  • Chart tutorials included
  • Many new visual features, Transparency, 3 colour gradients, gray-scale