À propos de Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET

Créez des fichiers ZIP ou extrayez l'intégralité d'un dossier compressé, idéale pour les applications où vous n'avez pas accès au système de fichiers de stockage.

Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET creates and reads Zip files with no intermediate disk/memory storage, and without waiting for complete files to arrive or to be read. Provides "on-the-fly" performance ideal for server and networking scenarios, and high-demand environments.

Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET Features

  • Not needing to use temporary files when creating a Zip file means it’s even faster than Xceed Zip for .NET when it comes to creating entirely new Zip files.
  • Because no temporary files are used while writing a Zip file, there is less chance of unauthorized access or modification of files during the Zip creation process.
  • The product’s main ZipWriter and ZipReader classes use any seekable or non-seekable Stream-based object as the target or source Zip archive, respectively, for complete flexibility and “on-the-fly” compression/decompression.
  • Lightweight libraries.
  • Creation of Zip archives begins as soon as data to compress has been received: no waiting for all of the files, or even for complete files. Doesn’t need to know in advance the number or size of files.
  • Zip archives can be immediately sent over a network or saved locally as soon as the write process has begun, and the remainder of the archive becomes available as it is compressed.
  • Archived files are extracted and available instantly for further processing even if the component is still receiving the Zip archive.
  • The size or number of files in a Zip archive has absolutely no impact on memory and disk-space requirements.
  • Just a few methods and properties are needed to perform powerful Zip compression/extraction.
  • Supports the PPMd, BZip2, BWT, Deflate and Deflate64 compression methods.
  • AES encryption and decryption are supported for maximum WinZip compatibility. The AES encryption algorithm used by the component can now be set by the developer.
  • Provides WinZip 12 compatibility, supporting the LZMA algorithm for improved compression in certain situations. Note: Zip files using WinZip 12’s special JPEG recompression feature are not supported.
  • UTF-8 character encoding in headers for improved support of international characters in filenames and comments is provided.
  • Events and properties to monitor and control the Zip writing/reading processes are also provided.
  • Compatible with older zip tools.
  • The ZipWriter can generate uncompressed zip files that the product’s ZipReader can read, increasing flexibility (combines the Deflate format and no compression).