Entity Developer V6.11.1258

Released: Jun 3, 2021

Aggiornamenti in V6.11.1258


  • Type E schemas (External Login from Microsoft Azure Active Directory) are now supported in Create Model Wizard/Update From Database/Update To Database (Microsoft SQL Server).
  • Added the ability to detect GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START and GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END columns in SQL Server 2016 and higher in Create Model Wizard/Update From Database Wizard.

Entity Framework support

  • New extended property "Use Generic DbContextOptions Constructor Argument" has been added to model Entity Framework Core Model properties.
  • New extended property "Do Not Generate Constructor With DbContextOptions Argument" has been added to model Entity Framework Core Model.properties.
  • Entity Framework Core 6 has been added to the list of available values in Framework Core Model for Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql.


  • Fixed the bug with creating app.config in Visual Studio .NET Framework projects, when the "Rewrite connection string during regeneration" option is turned off in Model Settings.
  • Fixed the bug with ignoring template's Validation Error Messages values in the generated code, when class property's Validate Expression is initialized and Validate Format is set to a non-default value.

Entity Framework support

  • Fixed the bug with generating the Equals method for entities with Record Type=True by C# Entity Framework Core template.
  • Fixed the bug with cleaning values of Length and Precision/Scale column's attributes by Update From Database Wizard in Entity Framework Core Model.
  • Fixed the bug with detecting the datatype change from varchar / nvarchar to varchar(max) / nvarchar(max) by Update From Database Wizard in Entity Framework Core Model (SQL Server).