Rilasci di Help & Manual Premium Pack

Released: Mar 4, 2024

Aggiornamenti in 5.2


Improvements to the Toolbox utility

  • Publish with Current Skin Tool - Now also supports publishing to eWriter as well as CHM and WebHelp.
  • Editing unknown Baggage file types and SVG files - The Windows association selection dialog for selecting the correct application for editing is now displayed if you select an unknown file type for editing.
  • Prevent using Visual Studio as a code editor - It should not be possible to use the Visual Studio IDE as a code editor because this would cause...

Released: Jul 12, 2023

Aggiornamenti in 5.1.0


  • V5 Cool Max Skins - Improved performance on smartphones, particularly Android phones.
  • All V3, V4 and V5 WebHelp Skins - Removed a workaround for an outdated Android bug that caused the on-screen keyboard to pop up unnecessarily on current Android phones.
  • All V3, V4 and V5 WebHelp Skins - Anchor IDs used in URLs are now case-insensitive. Filename references on Linux and Unix servers are still case-sensitive, however, because that depends on the server.
  • V3, V4 and V5 eWriter Skins...

Released: Apr 27, 2023

Aggiornamenti in 5.0.4


  • All skins
    • The Search field is now activated automatically when an index or search pane is selected.
    • Topic title font size variable has been added for print mode.
    • Links in popups now open in the same window as the WebHelp on mobile devices.
  • V5 Minimalist Modern skins - Variables for the topic title font size have been added to the Topic Pane group (TOPICTITLE_FONTSIZE_DESK / _PHONE / _PRINT / _TABLET).


  • Toolbox Utility - A silent error could occur when closing a project...

Released: Jan 13, 2023

Aggiornamenti in 5.0.3


  • Premium Pack installer - Now supports “only for me” option which allows installation without using administrator mode, if Help & Manual 9 has also been installed in the same way.
  • Cool Max skins
    • 'OPT_NOHEADERLOGO' option added to skin options.
    • Fine tuning of Mega Menu header system.
  • All V3, V4 and V5 skins - Added additional filter to prevent conflicts with external code and browser extensions using 'PostMessage' functions.
  • Google Analytics support - Removed several irrelevant...

Released: Nov 19, 2022

Aggiornamenti in 5.0.0


  • New and updated skins - Premium Pack 5 is a major update with several new skin designs for both WebHelp and eWriter.
  • Keyboard navigation - Two of the new skin series include full keyboard navigation for the entire WebHelp interface. The internal HTML of these skins has also been completely overhauled for improved accessibility.
  • Google Analytics 4 - Version 5 of the Premium Pack switches completely to Google Analytics 4, because Google is ending support for Universal Analytics at the...

Released: Feb 1, 2022

Aggiornamenti in 4.4.0


  • Added Sandcastle Tidy to the Toolbox utility - The new Sandcastle Tidy function automatically cleans up everything so that you can do all your formatting via the stylesheet, including the code example tables generated by Sandcastle.
  • Caret browsing in V3 and V4 skins - Caret browsing has been added to improve keyboard navigation and accessibility and was not previously supported by these skins. It allows users to navigate in the TOC with the tab key on the keyboard instead of the...

Released: Sep 2, 2021

Aggiornamenti in 4.3.0


  • Added support for embedding WebHelp in Microsoft SharePoint. SharePoint administrators can now host WebHelp created with these skins on SharePoint site pages. This will also work on the SharePoint Apple iOS and Android apps on tablets and smartphones.

Toolbox changes

  • Copy Config to New Skin - This function has been updated to be more efficient. All the different setting options now display what is going to be copied in advanced. There are now separate settings for updating style and...

Released: Jun 23, 2021

Aggiornamenti in 4.2.1


  • Adds the ability to edit style repository projects (.hmxr). This makes it possible to use the new import/export styles tool on these projects as well. You can also use the other topics tools on these projects.


Toolbox changes

  • Check for read-only TOC and topic and files in otherwise accessible projects.
  • Add/Remove prefixes: Error if a topic ID was shorter than the prefix.
  • XSD validation: Force Help+Manual to update outdated XSD schema file.

Skin changes

  • The variable for...

Released: Jun 8, 2021

Aggiornamenti in 4.2.0


  • Code Sample Box: All skins now include a Code Sample Box feature. This enables you to add programming code samples to your documentation in a box with a Copy to Clipboard link that copies the sample code directly to the Microsoft Windows Clipboard. This even works in CHM files.
  • Import/Export Styles: The Toolbox utility has a new Import/Export Styles feature, with which you can import individual text, paragraph and table styles to Help+Manual projects from other projects and style...

Released: Feb 8, 2021

Aggiornamenti in 4.1.0


  • Updated Code certificate: The code signing certificate used for the Premium Pack installer and Toolbox utility has been updated.
  • Remote and multiple domains in embedded and field-level help and WordPress: It is now possible to use embedded and field-level help from multiple WebHelp documentation systems on the same web page. In addition, you can also embed WebHelp hosted on other web servers, different to the server hosting the HTML pages on which you are embedding and displaying...