Crea riconoscimento e creazione immagini documento professionali nelle tue applicazioni.
Pubblicato da LEADTOOLS
Distribuito da ComponentSource dal 1996
Prezzi da: $ 4,165.00 Versione: v23 Aggiornato il: Mar 5, 2024
LEADTOOLS Recognition SDK is a collection of LEADTOOLS SDK features designed to build end-to-end OCR applications within enterprise-level document automation solutions that require OCR, MICR, OMR, barcode, forms recognition and processing, PDF, print capture, archival, annotation, and image viewing functionality. This powerful set of tools utilizes LEAD's award-winning image processing technology to intelligently identify document features that can be used to recognize and extract data from any type of scanned or faxed form image.
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Dmitry Smirnov, Samsung Research Center
LEADTOOLS Recognition includes the LEADTOOLS OCR Engine, which powers the text and forms recognition capabilities bundled with this product.
LEADTOOLS Recognition SDK Includes:
LEADTOOLS Recognition SDK è disponibile anche in:
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