Modifica, manipoa e crea file XML con facilità.
Pubblicato da SAPIEN Technologies
Distribuito da ComponentSource dal 2013
Prezzi da: $ 63.70 Versione: 2024 (4.7.x) NUOVO Aggiornato il: Jul 8, 2024
PrimalXML was specifically designed to edit, manipulate, and create XML files, providing you with the core set of functionality that you need to get your job done. Open any XML file and view it as text or in an element tree. Syntax coloring for elements and attributes makes everything clear. Apply styleSheets to the XML data and view the results in HTML. Validate the XML against a schema. PrimalXML is full of the features that you need like bookmarking, find and replace, as well as copy/paste and clone of attributes.
PrimalXML Features:
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