Rebex POP3

Rebex POP3 is a versatile .NET library designed to simplify email communication. It offers comprehensive support for POP3, SMTP, MIME, and S/MIME protocols, ensuring secure and efficient email exchange. With features like TLS 1.3/1.2 encryption and the ability to receive, list, and remove emails, Rebex POP3 is an ideal choice for developers building email-enabled applications or organizations requiring reliable email handling. Its compatibility with the .NET framework ensures seamless integration into your projects.

Rebex POP3 Features

  • Easy-to-use API
    • Download emails using POP3.
  • Connecting
    • Connect to servers using POP3 protocol.
    • Connect to servers using explicit or implicit TLS/SSL.
    • Switch to encrypted communication.
    • Set connection options.
    • Get info about the connection.
    • Get info about TLS/SSL connection.
  • Authentication modes
    • Username and password.
    • CRAM-MD5 authentication.
    • DIGEST-MD5 authentication.
    • APOP authentication.
    • OAuth 2.0 authentication.
    • Client certificate authentication.
    • GSSAPI.
    • Single sign-on...

Ultime Notizie

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Aggiungi funzionalità di comunicazione avanzate alle tue app .NET 9
November 18, 2024Product Update
Le versioni di Rebex 7.0.9083 aggiungono il supporto .NET 9, offrendo funzionalità avanzate di sicurezza e comunicazione ottimizzate per l'ultima versione di .NET.
Rendi sicura la comunicazione e-mail con il supporto del protocollo
Rendi sicura la comunicazione e-mail con il supporto del protocollo
October 22, 2024Product Update
Rebex POP3 semplifica la gestione della posta elettronica con il supporto per POP3 garantendo un'integrazione .NET fluida per una comunicazione affidabile.

Prezzi da: $ 195.02

A Developer License is licensed on per-developer basis. You have to obtain a valid license for each person who writes code which directly uses the component. Run-time Royalty free. Support Contract: A...

Rebex POP3 è disponibile anche in:

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Chatta live con i nostri specialisti di gestione delle licenze di Rebex ora.

Come distributori ufficiali e autorizzati, ComponentSource vi fornisce legittime licenze direttamente da Rebex.
Component Type
  • .NET 9.0/8.0/7.0/6.0/5.0
  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, 4.0-4.8.1
  • .NET Core 3.1
  • Mono 6.0 or higher
  • Xamarin.iOS 13.10 or later
  • Xamarin.Android 10.1 or later

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