Rilasci di .NET Reflector VS

Released: Sep 17, 2013

Updates in this release

Updates in 8.2

  • Support for Visual Studio 2013 and .NET 4.5.1.
  • On-hover hex/decimal value conversion.
  • Local variable highlighting.
  • Code Map view.

Released: Apr 24, 2013

Updates in this release

Updates in 8

  • Search and Filtering - The search includes basic scoping. So, for example, typing "" would filter the object explorer to show only items with names containing "read" whose parent items contain "web".
  • Debugging in Visual Studio - Navigate to decompiled code from frames in the call stack, and decompile automatically if a debugging session encounters an exception in code without source. Additionally, setting a breakpoint in decompiled code now triggers automatic PDB generation...