Sencha Ext.NET
Crea applicazioni aziendali solide utilizzando i moderni controlli dell'interfaccia utente per ASP.NET.
Pubblicato da Sencha
Distribuito da ComponentSource dal 2020
Sencha Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET Core component framework that incorporates the powerful cross-browser Sencha Ext JS library. Achieve enterprise-grade performance and productivity with 140+ pre-built and professionally tested UI components. Create powerful Web apps with cutting edge Web technology, Sencha Ext.NET delivers scalable business apps that exceed performance requirements.
Combining the leading client and server-side web technologies, including Ext JS and ASP.NET, Ext.NET brings a rock-solid component framework for web application development. Focus on creating your critical business logic while Ext.NET handles the web components for your applications. Its unparalleled cross-browser compatibility and advanced MVC architecture empower devs to create structured and scalable enterprise-grade applications.
The Right Tool Set to Build Blazing Fast Applications
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