Sencha Test
Crea solidi test di unità ed end-to-end che ti aiutino a distribuire app di qualità.
Pubblicato da Sencha
Distribuito da ComponentSource dal 2020
Prezzi da: $ 2,425.50 Versione: v2.4.0 Aggiornato il: Sep 15, 2021
Sencha Test is a comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS, including support for end-to-end testing of ExtAngular, Angular, ExtReact and React apps. Deliver high quality apps and reduce testing time and cost with Sencha Test. With Sencha Test, you can create end-to-end tests quickly, and execute them on multiple browsers simultaneously. Cross-browser testing is critical to ensuring quality for organizations, and test automation is a requirement to meet delivery timelines. Sencha Test helps you build an end-to-end testing plan without having to cobble together testing tools.
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