A proposito di Sencha Test

Crea solidi test di unità ed end-to-end che ti aiutino a distribuire app di qualità.

Sencha Test is a comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS, including support for end-to-end testing of ExtAngular, Angular, ExtReact and React apps. Deliver high quality apps and reduce testing time and cost with Sencha Test. With Sencha Test, you can create end-to-end tests quickly, and execute them on multiple browsers simultaneously. Cross-browser testing is critical to ensuring quality for organizations, and test automation is a requirement to meet delivery timelines. Sencha Test helps you build an end-to-end testing plan without having to cobble together testing tools.

Build your apps end-to-end using Sencha state-of-the-art tools

  • Test Authoring - Write unit and functional tests in JavaScript using page object functions to keep test code clean. Store tests in a source CMS. Utilize powerful APIs to target specific Ext JS and ExtReact components in the app.
  • Inspector - Locate components on the application and build meaningful locators. Generate API code and add actions in the editor to complete the test creation process. Create powerful page objects for the entire app to maintain a central location for all locators.
  • External Libraries in Test - Install and use Node modules to expand the scope of testing by connecting to databases. Run tests by communicating with web service APIs without invoking the application. Require external files directly in the test code.
  • Application Lifecycle Management (JIRA Only) - Maintain tests, results and defects in Sencha Studio. Archive test results and review failed tests in Sencha Studio. Publish failed tests straight to Jira. Preview bug statuses in Sencha Studio before creating a new bug.
  • Event Recorder - Auto-grab events while interacting with the app under test instead of coding interactions. Select or find the stable property for a component via Component and DOM queries. Reuse code generated by event recorder to minimize test creation time.
  • Visual Screen Comparison - Minimize time spent verifying images on hundreds of screens. Review images that are captured from previous test runs and compared to each subsequent test run.
  • Test Automation - Automate your test runs. Test real-time app changes from the CI system. Leverage our TeamCity and Jenkins integrations. Use any build tool that can invoke a command-line utility to rust tests.
  • Test Results - Comprehensive results reports from automated and manual test runs, including failed tests. Identify and fix code coverage gaps with our Istanbul integration.
  • Test Execution - Test flexibility at its finest - any browser, local machine or browser farm. End-to-end WebDriver testing with built-in Selenium server and embedded Chrome browser. Reduce testing time with simultaneous tests with Selenium Grid or browser farms like Sauce Labs.

Sencha Test Studio
Sencha Test Studio is the graphical user interface that allows you to write Jasmine tests in a built-in Sencha Test editor. You can write tests using JavaScript and store them in your team’s preferred source control system. Test Studio allows you to create tests directly in Sencha Test, or code in a separate IDE, and execute the test immediately. The iterative unit testing process helps you create more robust code by constantly testing it along the way.

Test Runner
Using Test Runner, you can run selected unit and functional tests on any or all of the browsers on a local machine, a connected mobile device, or on a browser farm. The local Test Runner can be used for test creation and debugging. An external browser farm or a Selenium grid is used by the Sencha Test Command Line Interface (CLI) to run the same tests on a Continuous Integration (CI) system – allowing you to schedule automated test runs nightly or at a convenient time, with minimal configuration.

Sencha Test CLI
Sencha Test Command Line Interface (CLI) helps you achieve the full power of automated test runs. Once tests are authored and checked into the source control repository, you can launch them from your Continuous Integration (CI) system. The CI system can invoke the CLI automatically, once it senses a change to the application code or the test files in the source control repository.

Test Archiver
The Test Archiver enables you to track historical testing trends in your projects as well as compare results between runs. Automated visual analysis allows you to identify runs where screens do not render correctly or visual glitches are present. The archiver leverages the full power of Sencha Test Studio to make it easy to understand test results and quickly identify failures.