만료된 MESCIUS 구독을 더 낮은 가격에 갱신하세요

9월 6, 2024
만료된 .NET 소프트웨어 구독을 2024년 10월 4일까지 제한된 기간 동안 최초 갱신 가격으로 갱신할 수 있습니다.

영어로 계속 읽기:

It's a great time to update your MESCIUS software subscriptions. Now through October 4th 2024, we are offering expired MESCIUS customers the ability to re-start their expired subscriptions at the discounted renewal rate* instead of paying for an upgrade or late renewal. This offer is valid for the following MESCIUS subscriptions:

Don't miss out on the opportunity to get back on an active subscription for your product and enjoy all of the benefits of an updated toolkit, including:

  • New controls, enhancements, and bug fixes as they are released throughout the year.
  • OS, IDE, and browser compatibility updates.

Click the link above for your product to view the special pricing or contact us for a quote.

* This offer requires verification of upgrade eligibility. Some restrictions apply.