Actipro Grids for WPF

Actipro Grids for WPF includes advanced, customizable property grid and tree controls. The PropertyGrid is similar to the Visual Studio 'Properties' tool window where one or more data objects can be specified and their properties edited. The TreeListBox is extremely fast, lightweight, and displays a single-column tree similar to the Visual Studio Solution Explorer tree control. The TreeListView is a multi-column variant of TreeListBox that renders similar to a standard ListView but has many additional features.

Actipro Grids for WPF Features

  • Property Grid - PropertyGrid allows for all the properties of one or more objects to be displayed and edited, optionally using categories.
    • Property Editors - Property editors specify the UI to use for the display of the property name and value. Built-in editors are availble for basic property types, but the property grid is very flexible and allows custom property editors to be defined too.
    • Category Editors - When simple inline property editors are not enough...

최신 뉴스

Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5
April 6, 2023신규 버전
.NET 7 호환성을 추가하고 Docking, Grids, Ribbon 컨트롤을 개선합니다.
Actipro Grids for WPF 22.1.2
Actipro Grids for WPF 22.1.2
August 22, 2022신규 버전
'PropertyModelStringFilter'를 업데이트하여 범주 편집기를 지원합니다.
Actipro Grids for WPF 22.1.1
Actipro Grids for WPF 22.1.1
March 16, 2022신규 버전
TreeListBox에서 기본 작업 명령에 대한 지원을 향상시킵니다.
Actipro Grids for WPF 22.1.0
Actipro Grids for WPF 22.1.0
December 17, 2021신규 버전
선택 변경에 대한 응답으로 TreeListBox 항목 포커스 추적을 향상시킵니다.
Actipro Grids for WPF 21.1.0
Actipro Grids for WPF 21.1.0
February 22, 2021신규 버전
TreeListBox를 개선하고 새로운 Toolbox 데모를 추가합니다.
Actipro Grids for WPF 2020.1.1
Actipro Grids for WPF 2020.1.1
November 20, 2020신규 버전
대형 TreeListBox 항목 업데이트의 성능을 개선합니다.

가격: ₩ 216,300

Actipro products are licensed by developer. A developer license is required for each individual developer working on a project that uses an Actipro product, whether they directly work with the product...

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Actipro Software 사 제품 라이선스 담당자와 라이브 채팅

Actipro Software
Actipro Software사 제품의 배포자로서 공식 권한을 소유한 ComponentSource는 합법적인 라이선스를 고객님께 직접 제공합니다.
Component Type
  • .NET WPF
  • .NET Core
  • Source Code

최근 수상
