AddTapi.NET 리뷰

평균 리뷰 스코어: 5 (2)

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가장 최근의 긍정적인 리뷰

Boris 이스라엘5 등급

My company needed to integrate with Cisco CM in one of our projects using the TAPI interface. This wonderful tool helped us to do it very fast and efficiently. We are going to use AddTapi.NET in our... 더 읽기

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이름 보류 구매하신 고객님독일5 등급
Boris 구매하신 고객님이스라엘5 등급

My company needed to integrate with Cisco CM in one of our projects using the TAPI interface. This wonderful tool helped us to do it very fast and efficiently. We are going to use AddTapi.NET in our other projects as well.