Altova StyleVision Server
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Altova사에서 공개
2004년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
Altova StyleVision Server renders XML, SQL databases, and/or XBRL data into HTML, RTF, PDF, or Microsoft Word files based on StyleVision stylesheets and supporting design elements defined using StyleVision. Report designs can include dynamic content elements including tables and beautiful charts, images, bar codes, headers and footers, and much more.
Altova StyleVision Server Features
StyleVision Server and StyleVision
StyleVision Server renders XML, SQL databases, and/or XBRL data into HTML, RTF, PDF, or Microsoft Word files based on StyleVision stylesheets and supporting design elements saved as PXF files. PXF files package SPS stylesheets with related files including the XML schema file, source XML file, image files used in the design, and XSLT files for transformation output formats. PXF files include all the elements required for...