ArtfulBits Columns Suite
A complete collection of ArtfulBits columns.
ArtfulBits사에서 공개
2011년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
가격: ₩ 3,407,100
Single SharePoint Farm License with 1 Year Support Subscription (support and software updates) 당사 제품 번호#: CS-547019-1188717 |
라이선스 및 배송 | ₩ 3,407,100 | 장바구니에 담기 |
One software license is required per Single SharePoint Farm. After placing your order, you will be contacted by our sales team for your Farm ID. This information is used to generate your license. Licenses are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 이메일로 납품:
One software license is required per Single SharePoint Farm.
Subscription provides the following benefits for 1 year
Important - Please note that there may be a delay before you can use this software as a unique License key needs to be generated using your order details. You should receive this license key within one business day.