Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports 가격정보

Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports에 대한 라이선스 요구 사항을 논의하여야 하는 경우, 당사의 Aspose 라이선스 전문가에게 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

신규 구독 및 구독 갱신을 포함한 모든 Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports 라이선스를 제공하여 드립니다.

일반 제공 가격은 하기와 같습니다. 할인된 가격을 확인하려면 로그인 하시기 바랍니다.

모든 라이선스 (38)
표시 생략 | 상세 내용 비표시 |

Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports V24.8 - New Perpetual Licenses

Includes Maintenance and Support (1 Year)

Developer Small Business - 1 Developer and 1 Deployment Location

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458952

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,326,700 장바구니에 담기

Developer Small Business License - One Developer And One Deployment Location. A Developer Small Business License for Aspose's SharePoint, JasperReports and SSRS products allows One developer, report author or administrator to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used on only One physical or virtual server inside One physical location (distinct address or office building) within your organization. This license does not support distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing web sites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. Only Unlimited Location Licenses support this type of distribution. A Developer Small Business License covers One developer, report author or administrator, and/or One physical or virtual server, and/or One physical location. A license must be purchased for each developer, report author or administrator using the product, or for each physical or virtual server, or for each physical location the end user software will be used, whichever is the greater.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer OEM - 1 Developer and Unlimited Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADO당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458955

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,980,100 장바구니에 담기

Developer OEM License - One Developer And Unlimited Deployment Locations. A Developer OEM License for Aspose's SharePoint, JasperReports and SSRS products allows One developer, report author or administrator to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used on an unlimited number of physical or virtual servers and at unlimited physical locations (distinct address or office building) within or outside of your organization. This license supports distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. A Developer OEM License covers One developer, report author or administrator working on end user software which use the product functionality, a SaaS or public facing web project will require this license type. A license must be purchased for each developer, report author or administrator using the product.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer SDK - 1 Developer and 50 Commercial Deployments

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADK당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483093

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 26,533,900 장바구니에 담기

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site Small Business - Up to 10 Developers and up to 10 Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASE당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458958

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 6,633,500 장바구니에 담기

Site Small Business License - Up To Ten Developers And Up To Ten Deployment Locations. A Site Small Business License for Aspose's SharePoint, JasperReports and SSRS products allows up to Ten developers, report authors or administrators to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used on up to Ten physical or virtual servers inside Ten physical locations (distinct address or office building) within your organization. This license does not support distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing web sites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. It can support multi-site intranet usage subject to the restrictions on developers and physical location numbers Only Unlimited Location Licenses support this type of distribution. If more than Ten developers use or have access to the product and/or the product is used on more than Ten physical or virtual servers and/or you deploy the end user software to more than Ten physical locations, buy multiple Site Small Business Licenses or extra Developer Small Business Licenses.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site OEM - Up to 10 Developers and Unlimited Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASO당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458961

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 18,573,700 장바구니에 담기

Site OEM License - Up To Ten Developers And Unlimited Deployment Locations. A Site OEM License for Aspose's SharePoint, JasperReports and SSRS products allows up to Ten developers, report authors or administrators to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used on an unlimited number of physical or virtual servers and at unlimited physical locations (distinct address or office building) within or outside of your organization. This license supports distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. A Site OEM License covers Ten developers, report authors or administrators working on end user software which use the product functionality, a SaaS or public facing web project will require this license type. If more than Ten developers use or have access to the product, buy multiple Site OEM Licenses or extra Developer OEM Licenses.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site SDK - Up To 10 Developers and 250 Commercial Deployments

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASK당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483094

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 66,334,700 장바구니에 담기

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports V24.8 - Subscription Renewal - Before Expiration

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year

Developer Small Business - 1 Developer and 1 Deployment Location

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADS-R-PRE당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458976

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 796,000 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer OEM - 1 Developer and Unlimited Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADO-R-PRE당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458979

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,388,000 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer SDK - 1 Developer and 50 Commercial Deployments

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADK-PRE당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483095

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 15,920,300 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site Small Business - Up to 10 Developers and up to 10 Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASE-R-PRE당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458982

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,980,100 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site OEM - Up to 10 Developers and Unlimited Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASO-R-PRE당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458985

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 11,144,200 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site SDK - Up To 10 Developers and 250 Commercial Deployments

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASK-PRE당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483096

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 39,800,800 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports V24.8 - Subscription Renewal - Within three months after expiration

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year

Developer Small Business - 1 Developer and 1 Deployment Location

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADS-R-POS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458964

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 928,700 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer OEM - 1 Developer and Unlimited Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADO-R-POS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458967

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,786,100 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer SDK - 1 Developer and 50 Commercial Deployments

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADK-POS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483097

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 18,573,700 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site Small Business - Up to 10 Developers and up to 10 Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASE-R-POS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458970

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,643,400 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site OEM - Up to 10 Developers and Unlimited Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASO-R-POS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458973

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 13,001,600 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site SDK - Up To 10 Developers and 250 Commercial Deployments

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASK-POS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483098

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 46,434,300 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports V24.8 - Subscription Renewal - After three months from expiration

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year

Developer Small Business - 1 Developer and 1 Deployment Location

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADS-R-POS-3M당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1466795

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,061,400 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer OEM - 1 Developer and Unlimited Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADO-R-POS-3M당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1466796

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,184,100 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer SDK - 1 Developer and 50 Commercial Deployments

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBADK-POS-3M당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483099

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 21,227,100 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site Small Business - Up to 10 Developers and up to 10 Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASE-R-POS-3M당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1466797

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,306,800 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site OEM - Up to 10 Developers and Unlimited Deployment Locations

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASO-R-POS-3M당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1466798

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 14,859,000 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site SDK - Up To 10 Developers and 250 Commercial Deployments

개발사 제품 번호#: APJRBASK-POS-3M당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483100

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 53,067,700 장바구니에 담기

Extends your Maintenance and Support for a further year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, you will receive an email with your License file and instructions on how to download your software.

이메일로 납품:
  • License File and new subscription expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Aspose Developer Support

Priority support allows you to post up to 3 incidents per year.

Developer Small Business 1 Year Developer Support License - up to 3 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSDSDS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458996

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 529,900 장바구니에 담기

Priority support allows you to post up to 3 incidents per year.

After your order has been processed you, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Developer Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer Small Business 1 Year Developer Support License Renewal - up to 3 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSDSDS-R당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458998

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 529,900 장바구니에 담기

Priority support allows you to post up to 3 incidents per year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Developer Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Aspose Business Support

Priority support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.

Developer Small Business 1 Year Business Support License - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSBSDS당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458988

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 795,500 장바구니에 담기

Priority support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.

After your order has been processed you, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Business Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer Small Business 1 Year Business Support License Renewal - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSBSDS-R당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1459000

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 795,500 장바구니에 담기

Priority support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Business Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer OEM 1 Year Business Support License - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSBSDO당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458990

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,386,500 장바구니에 담기

Priority support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.

After your order has been processed you, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Business Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer OEM 1 Year Business Support License Renewal - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSBSDO-R당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1459002

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,386,500 장바구니에 담기

Priority support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Business Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer SDK 1 Year Business Support License - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSBSDK당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483101

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 15,909,700 장바구니에 담기

Priority support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.

After your order has been processed you, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Business Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Developer SDK 1 Year Business Support License Renewal - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSBSDK-R당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483102

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 15,909,700 장바구니에 담기

Priority support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Business Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Aspose Enterprise Support

Enterprise level support for Site License customers only - includes direct email or phone communication with senior support developers.

Site Small Business 1 Year Enterprise Support License - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSESSE당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458992

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,305,400 장바구니에 담기

Enterprise level support for Site License customers only - includes direct email or phone communication with senior support developers.

After your order has been processed you, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Enterprise Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site Small Business 1 Year Enterprise Support License Renewal - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSESSE-R당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1459004

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,305,400 장바구니에 담기

Enterprise level support for Site License customers only - includes direct email or phone communication with senior support developers.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Enterprise Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site OEM 1 Year Enterprise Support License - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSESSO당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1458994

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 15,916,300 장바구니에 담기

Enterprise level support for Site License customers only - includes direct email or phone communication with senior support developers.

After your order has been processed you, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Enterprise Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site OEM 1 Year Enterprise Support License Renewal - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSESSO-R당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1459006

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 15,916,300 장바구니에 담기

Enterprise level support for Site License customers only - includes direct email or phone communication with senior support developers.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Enterprise Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site SDK 1 Year Business Support License - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSESSK당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483103

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 53,054,400 장바구니에 담기

Enterprise level support for Site License customers only - includes direct email or phone communication with senior support developers.

After your order has been processed you, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Enterprise Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

Site SDK 1 Year Business Support License Renewal - up to 6 incidents per year

개발사 제품 번호#: APPSESSK-R당사 제품 번호#: CS-534844-1483104

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 53,054,400 장바구니에 담기

Enterprise level support for Site License customers only - includes direct email or phone communication with senior support developers.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verification, will receive an email instructions on how to access your support.

이메일로 납품:
  • Enterprise Support confirmation and expiry date. Usually delivered within 1 business day.

동일-시한(Co-term) / 정렬

갱신 날짜가 다른 구독이 여러 개 있어 구독날짜를 정렬하려는 경우, 구입한 곳에 관계없이 도움을 받으실 수 있습니다. 귀하의 요구사항을 논의하시려면 저희와 라이브 채팅하여 주시기 바랍니다.


이전 버전

신규 라이선스를 구매하면 동일한 제품의 이전 모든 버전을 다운로드하여 사용할 수 있습니다. Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports 의 이전 버전을 다운로드하는 방법은 Aspose Web 사이트에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports 라이센스

Developer Small Business License
One Developer And One Deployment Location

A Developer Small Business License for Aspose's SharePoint, JasperReports and SSRS products allows One developer, report author or administrator to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used on only One physical or virtual server inside One physical location (distinct address or office building) within your organization.

This license does not support distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing web sites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. Only Unlimited Location Licenses support this type of distribution.

A Developer Small Business License covers One developer, report author or administrator, and/or One physical or virtual server, and/or One physical location. A license must be purchased for each developer, report author or administrator using the product, or for each physical or virtual server, or for each physical location the end user software will be used, whichever is the greater.

Developer OEM License
One Developer And Unlimited Deployment Locations

A Developer OEM License for Aspose's SharePoint, JasperReports and SSRS products allows One developer, report author or administrator to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used on an unlimited number of physical or virtual servers and at unlimited physical locations (distinct address or office building) within or outside of your organization.

This license supports distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios.

A Developer OEM License covers One developer, report author or administrator working on end user software which use the product functionality, a SaaS or public facing web project will require this license type. A license must be purchased for each developer, report author or administrator using the product.

Site Small Business License
Up To Ten Developers And Up To Ten Deployment Locations

A Site Small Business License for Aspose's SharePoint, JasperReports and SSRS products allows up to Ten developers, report authors or administrators to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used on up to Ten physical or virtual servers inside Ten physical locations (distinct address or office building) within your organization.

This license does not support distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing web sites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios. It can support multi-site intranet usage subject to the restrictions on developers and physical location numbers Only Unlimited Location Licenses support this type of distribution.

If more than Ten developers use or have access to the product and/or the product is used on more than Ten physical or virtual servers and/or you deploy the end user software to more than Ten physical locations, buy multiple Site Small Business Licenses or extra Developer Small Business Licenses.

Site OEM License
Up To Ten Developers And Unlimited Deployment Locations

A Site OEM License for Aspose's SharePoint, JasperReports and SSRS products allows up to Ten developers, report authors or administrators to create an unlimited number of end user software using the product which can be used on an unlimited number of physical or virtual servers and at unlimited physical locations (distinct address or office building) within or outside of your organization.

This license supports distribution of end user software to third parties, public facing websites/applications, extranets, multi-site intranets or SaaS project usage scenarios.

A Site OEM License covers Ten developers, report authors or administrators working on end user software which use the product functionality, a SaaS or public facing web project will require this license type. If more than Ten developers use or have access to the product, buy multiple Site OEM Licenses or extra Developer OEM Licenses.

Free Standard Support Benefits

  • Be part of a community of over 600,000 users and learn from their questions and experiences. Support is managed through the Aspose support forum.
  • The support forum is managed by support and product developers.
  • Standard support operates on a “first come, first served” basis.

Paid Developer/Business Support (Priority Support)

In addition to the free support service, Developer/Business Support (Priority Support) offers following benefits for 1 year.

  • Access to Aspose's Paid Support Helpdesk with Priority Support status.
  • Developer Support allows you to post up to 3 incidents per year.
  • Business Support allows you to post up to 6 incidents per year.
  • 24 hour guaranteed initial response time during weekdays.
  • Issue escalation to product development teams.
  • Hot-fixes delivered to address your issues.
  • One Developer/Business Support purchase covers all your Aspose products with valid subscriptions.

Paid Enterprise Support

In addition to the free support service, Enterprise Support offers following benefits for 1 year.

  • Access to Aspose's Paid Support Helpdesk system with Enterprise Support status. Post up to 6 incidents per year. Assign multiple accounts access to the Paid Support Helpdesk.
  • Direct email or phone communication with our senior support developers.
  • Custom agreement and administrative documentation assistance by using our automated End User License Agreement (EULA) Wizard.
  • Access to Sponsored Support.
  • 24 hour guaranteed initial response time during weekdays.
  • Issue escalation to product development teams.
  • Hotfixes delivered to address your issues.
  • One Enterprise Support purchase covers all your Aspose products with valid subscriptions.

Paid Support Availability

Developer Support - Developer Support is offered only to customers on a Developer Small Business license type.
For developers on a Developer Small Business license who feel they might need more than 3 issues per year they can opt to select Business Support.

Business Support - Business Support is offered to customers on either Developer license types (Developer Small Business and Developer OEM).

Enterprise Support - Enterprise support is offered to customers on either Site license types (Site Small Business and Site OEM).

Buying support gives you access to the enhanced support option for 1 year.

You can buy Developer/Business/Enterprise Support when renewing a subscription, or when you buy a license. If you are part way through a subscription and wish to buy Developer/Business Support please contact us.

Priority Support Conditions

  • Developer/Business/Enterprise Support guarantees an initial response within 24 hours of an issue being raised during business days. Aspose cannot guarantee a complete resolution in this timescale but you will get an assessment of the issue. Where they can, Aspose provide simple fixes and work-arounds immediately. Issues that demand a fix can take longer. No guarantee can be made to the delivery date of the fix.
  • Access to the Paid Support Helpdesk is limited to the account that the subscription was purchased under and a fixed number of additional accounts based on your paid subscription level.
  • Developer/Business/Enterprise Support is subject to a fair usage policy of the specified number of issues being raised in any 365 day period. (By issue Aspose mean a new Paid Support ticket opened in the Paid Support Helpdesk.) If several unrelated issues are opened in one Paid Support ticket then these are split into separate tickets and each counts towards your usage quota.
  • These conditions are subject to change without notice.
  • Aspose reserves the right to discontinue technical support for all or individual products at any time.
  • Hotfixes and feature requests, if supplied, are only built on the latest version of the product in question. Versions other than the latest version of the software are not supported in this way.

라이선스 계약서

161 KB
5월 16, 2024

자주묻는 질문

라이선스가 영구적(영구)인가요 아니면 임시적(시간-제한)인가요?

모든 Aspose Developer 및 Site 라이선스는 영구적이며 만료되지 않습니다. 이 라이선스에는 1년 동안 제품 업데이트에 액세스 할 수 있는 구독 서비스(Subscription)도 포함되어 있습니다.

구독이 만료되면 어떻게 되나요?

구독이 만료되더라도 Aspose를 사용하는 기존 응용 프로그램이 계속 작동하도록 제품에 사용할 수 있는 라이선스가 계속 부여됩니다. 제품에 대한 추가 업데이트를 다운로드하고 사용하려면 먼저 구독을 갱신해야 합니다.

기존 라이선스의 시한을 동일하게 (정렬) 할 수 있나요?

예 - ComponentSource는 본래 당사를 통해 구매하지 않은 경우에도 라이선스의 시한을 동일하게 정렬할 수 있도록 합니다. 필요한 사항을 논의하시려면 저희에게 전화하시거나 .

업그레이드 할 수 있나요?

업그레이드 라이선스는 사용할 수 없습니다. 단, Aspose는 만료된 구독을 갱신할 수 있는 사후 만료 구독 갱신(Post Expiry Susbscription Renewals)을 제공합니다. 이 방식으로 최신 버전을 다운로드하여 사용할 수 있으며, 1년의 제품 업데이트에 액세스할 수 있습니다.

소스 코드를 사용할 수 있습니까?

아니요. 소스 코드는 Aspose 제품에서 사용할 수 없습니다. 단, Aspose에서 소프트웨어 에스크로 서비스를 제공합니다. 귀하의 요구 사항을 논의하시려면 저희에게 연락하여 주시기 바랍니다.

어떤 유형의 지원을 받을 수 있나요?

모든 사용자는 구매 전이나 구독이 만료된 경우에도 무료 기술 지원을 받을 수 있습니다. 또한 다음 세 가지 지원 플랜을 유료로 사용할 수 있습니다.

Developer Support

  • 우선순위 지원 지위(Priority Support status)로 Aspose Paid Support Helpdesk에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
  • Developer Support을 사용하면 연간 최대 3건의 인시던트를 게시할 수 있습니다.
  • 평일 24시간 초기 응답 시간을 보장합니다.
  • 제품 개발 팀에 에스컬레이션을 이슈합니다.
  • 문제 해결을 위해 제공되는 핫픽스입니다.
  • 구매 지원(Buying support)을 사용하면 1년 동안 향상된 지원 옵션에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
  • 하나의 Developer Support 구매는 유효한 구독이 있는 귀하의 모든 Aspose 제품을 커버합니다.

Business Support
Developer Support의 모든 지원을 포함하며, 추가로 다음을 포함합니다:

  • 연간 최대 6건의 인시던트를 게시할 수 있습니다.

Enterprise Support
Business Support의 모든 지원을 포함하며, 추가로 다음을 포함합니다:

  • Enterprise Support status로 Aspose Paid Support Helpdesk에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
  • Paid Support Helpdesk에 여러 계정 액세스 권한을 할당합니다.
  • 수석 지원 개발자와 직접 이메일 또는 전화 커뮤니케이션을 할 수 있습니다.
  • EULA(자동 최종 사용자 라이선스 계약, End User License Agreement) Wizard를 사용하여 구매 계약 및 관리 문서를 지원합니다.
  • 유료 개발에 대한 액세스 (추가 비용이 발생합니다).