ComponentOne Preview for WinForms 리뷰

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가장 최근의 긍정적인 리뷰

jasonAustralia5 등급
If you require a high quality Word/Acrobat/Print document generator then I would strongly recommend ComponentOne's C1PrintPreview component, which is actually an incredibly powerful document creation... 더 읽기

가장 최근의 중요 리뷰

이 제품에 대한 부정적인 리뷰가 없습니다.
jasonAustralia5 등급
If you require a high quality Word/Acrobat/Print document generator then I would strongly recommend ComponentOne's C1PrintPreview component, which is actually an incredibly powerful document creation module. It is also extensible to allow detection of where the mouse if positioned over a document, so we simply popup an editor if the user wants to change underlying text when previewing a document. We've used many high quality document generators and editors in C#, and this is by far the best. Jason