Conholdate.Total for Java
Java에서 Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio, PDF 및 100개 이상의 다른 파일 형식을 생성, 조작, 변환, 비교, 검색, 서명 및 열람 합니다.
Conholdate사에서 공개
2018년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
가격: ₩ 7,373,200
Java에서 Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio, PDF 및 100개 이상의 다른 파일 형식을 생성, 조작, 변환, 비교, 검색, 서명 및 열람 합니다.
Conholdate.Total for Java combines all file format APIs for Java that are offered by Aspose and GroupDocs. It enables you to create, manipulate, convert and render Word, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint, Outlook and more than 100 other file formats within any Java application (J2SE, J2EE, J2ME) without installing Microsoft Office.
Process a Multitude of File Formats - Conholdate.Total for Java allows you to build an incredibly versatile file processing system capable of handling many popular file formats. You can easily open, create, modify and even inter-convert file formats of following types:
Microsoft Office Automation - Not Needed - Conholdate.Total for Java is built using managed code that does not need Microsoft Office to be installed on the machine to work with any of the supported file formats. It is a perfect Microsoft Office automation alternative in terms of supported features, security, stability, scalability, speed and price.