INIFileTool-5M 관련 정보

Managed Code INI File Component.

INIFileTool-5M makes it easy for you to read and write INI files from your .NET applications or web applications. Not only does it avoid the need for API calls, but more important, it is a 100% managed code solution that does not use API calls, thus is able to run in partial trust scenarios.

There are many ways to store configuration information on a system. Recently XML has received most of the attention, but XML can be notoriously difficult for end-users to edit. A single minor error can prevent an entire XML file from loading.

INI files, or initialization files, are a simple text based file format that is often used to configure applications. The file is divided into sections, where each section is marked with the section name in brackets. Each section can have any number of entries, where the entry key is separated from its value using an equal sign.

INI files are not as powerful or flexible as the newly popular XML file format, but they are much easier for non-programmers to edit, usually using the Windows Notepad program.

Features of INIFileTool-5M

  • About five minutes to learn, install and deploy
  • Does not require unmanaged code permission needed by other approaches
  • Caching for maximum performance
  • Detection of INI file modifications by other processes