IronSecureDoc 가격정보

IronSecureDoc에 대한 라이선스 요구 사항을 논의하여야 하는 경우, 당사의 Iron Software 라이선스 전문가에게 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

일반 제공 가격은 하기와 같습니다. 할인된 가격을 확인하려면 로그인 하시기 바랍니다.

모든 라이선스 (6)
표시 생략 | 상세 내용 비표시 |


Unlimited License (Unlimited users, locations and projects) with 1 Year Support and Product Updates

개발사 제품 번호#: ironsecuredoc-enterprise-1yr당사 제품 번호#: CS-558824-1538577

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 30,476,100 장바구니에 담기

Perpetual license, for Unlimited users, locations and projects.

After your order has been processed you will receive an email with your License Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

이메일로 납품:
  • License Key and Download Instructions for IronSecureDoc

Unlimited License (Unlimited users, locations and projects) with 2 Years Support and Product Updates

개발사 제품 번호#: ironsecuredoc-enterprise-2yr당사 제품 번호#: CS-558824-1538578

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 37,732,900 장바구니에 담기

Perpetual license, for Unlimited users, locations and projects.

After your order has been processed you will receive an email with your License Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

이메일로 납품:
  • License Key and Download Instructions for IronSecureDoc

Unlimited License (Unlimited users, locations and projects) with 3 Years Support and Product Updates

개발사 제품 번호#: ironsecuredoc-enterprise-3yr당사 제품 번호#: CS-558824-1538579

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 43,538,500 장바구니에 담기

Perpetual license, for Unlimited users, locations and projects.

After your order has been processed you will receive an email with your License Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

이메일로 납품:
  • License Key and Download Instructions for IronSecureDoc

Unlimited License (Unlimited users, locations and projects) with 4 Years Support and Product Updates

개발사 제품 번호#: ironsecuredoc-enterprise-4yr당사 제품 번호#: CS-558824-1538580

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 47,892,600 장바구니에 담기

Perpetual license, for Unlimited users, locations and projects.

After your order has been processed you will receive an email with your License Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

이메일로 납품:
  • License Key and Download Instructions for IronSecureDoc

Unlimited License (Unlimited users, locations and projects) with 5 Years Support and Product Updates

개발사 제품 번호#: ironsecuredoc-enterprise-5yr당사 제품 번호#: CS-558824-1538581

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 50,795,400 장바구니에 담기

Perpetual license, for Unlimited users, locations and projects.

After your order has been processed you will receive an email with your License Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours.

이메일로 납품:
  • License Key and Download Instructions for IronSecureDoc

IronSecureDoc - Support and Updates Renewals

Support and Updates Renewal - Please contact us for a quote.

  판매 가격 문의

IronSecureDoc 라이센스

IronSecureDoc is available as a perpetual license and includes unlimited users, locations, and projects.
Support and product updates are included for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years depending on the license option purchased.

라이선스 계약서

102.62 KB
12월 27, 2024