Stimulsoft Reports.PHP
PHP Web 사이트에 레포팅을 추가 합니다.
Stimulsoft사에서 공개
2008년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP is a reporting tool designed for creating reports using a client-server technology. The PHP script works on the server side and controls report generation. The JavaScript report engine works on the client side and provides a universal mechanism for report generation on almost any client.
Ready to solve problems - Stimulsoft Reports.PHP offers a comprehensive solution to build, modify and run reports on PHP sites. Reports can be displayed in an interactive and animated report viewer.
Ready to create reports - Fully featured standalone report designer is delivered as a part of Stimulsoft Reports.PHP. The Reports designer was created using JavaScript. This gives the opportunity to work on multiple platforms without compatibility issues. The Report Designer provides a great number...
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