WPTools Professional 리뷰

평균 리뷰 스코어: 4.5 (3)

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가장 최근의 긍정적인 리뷰

mikUSA5 등급
I started using WPTools in 1998, this was an amazing product at that time - and since then it just gets better and better each year. The quality of the product is extremely high, but what really makes... 더 읽기

가장 최근의 중요 리뷰

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이름 보류 구매하신 고객님이탈리아4 등급
mikUSA5 등급
I started using WPTools in 1998, this was an amazing product at that time - and since then it just gets better and better each year. The quality of the product is extremely high, but what really makes it shine is the author's attitude to his clients. The quality of support is so good, it is almost unbelievable :) All questions on the Newsgroup and via email are answered promptly and with attention to details, very often the answers are accompanied by ready-to-use samples and snippets of code. When bugs are reported, they get fixed almost immediately and the autor makes updates available instantly. On top of all this - the author constantly improves the product and extends its line of product, all of them seem to be of the same superior quality. I recently purchased two more products - WPReporter and wPDF. Great job and great components.
hoffmannSouth Korea5 등급
WPTools is a very useful tool, it supports unicode & Oriental IME well. When selecting characters in WPRichText in WPTools, Kerning characters are changed and Oriental Characters are broken at same line (but selected text can be undone so characters return back). I advice to use WideString and WideChar in WPTools. Thanks.