Torne a modelagem de sistemas mais inclusiva com recursos de acessibilidade

Outubro 3, 2023
O Enterprise Architect v16.1 Build 1628 introduz uma série de melhorias de acessibilidade, facilitando o uso do Enterprise Architect pelos usuários com deficiências visuais para modelar, projetar e implementar sistemas complexos.

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Enterprise Architect by Sparx Systems is a visual modeling platform that helps businesses and organizations model, design, and implement complex systems. It supports a wide range of modeling languages and techniques, including Unified Modeling Language (UML), Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), and Systems Modeling Language (SysML).

Enterprise Architect v16.1 Build 1628 includes a number of accessibility improvements for users with visual impairments, making it easier for developers to use Enterprise Architect to model, design, and implement their software systems.

One significant change is an update to dialogs which allows Windows Narrator to provide more accurate and intuitive feedback on controls. This makes it easier for developers to understand what is happening in a dialog and how to interact with it. Enterprise Architect also gains support for High Contrast themes in Microsoft Windows, including the new High Contrast (Auto) theme which allows the code editor auto-select a light or dark theme based on the Windows theme.

Sparx Systems is committed to making its software available to the widest possible audience. These new accessibility features help to make Enterprise Architect more usable than ever for users with visual impairments.

To see a full list of what’s new in version 16.1 Build 1628, see our release notes.

For more information, visit our Enterprise Architect product page.