Aprenda a criar aplicativos Android com Kotlin

Novembro 15, 2023
A atualização de novembro de 2023 da JetBrains Academy adiciona novos projetos que ajudam os usuários a desenvolver as habilidades práticas necessárias para criar aplicativos Android com a linguagem de programação Kotlin.

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JetBrains Academy is an online educational platform designed to help developers advance their programming skills. It provides a holistic approach to learning in which users study the theory and immediately put it into practice by building working applications. The project-based learning environment is integrated with JetBrains IDEs, and allows developers to learn Java, Python, and other programming languages with ease.

The November 2023 release adds a new 'Introduction to Android with Kotlin' track, which helps users acquire the fundamental skills needed to create, design and deploy simple mobile apps. Kotlin is a programming language designed to be a more concise and expressive alternative to Java, and is growing in popularity among Android developers.

To see a full list of what's new, see our release notes.

For more information, visit our JetBrains Academy for Organizations product page.