Simplifique o compartilhamento de relatórios com mais formatos de exportação

Junho 21, 2024
O Stimulsoft Reports.PHP 2024.3 vai além dos formatos padrão, com a opção de exportar para outras opções de dados, como CSV, JSON e XML.

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Stimulsoft Reports.PHP is a reporting tool designed to be embedded within PHP applications. It offers a client-server architecture for generating, viewing, printing, and exporting reports online. The solution includes a JavaScript report engine for fast execution, a native JavaScript report designer for building reports with various data sources and visualizations, and a PHP server-side component for data processing. This integration allows developers to seamlessly add robust reporting functionality to their PHP applications.

The Stimulsoft Reports.PHP 2024.3 update significantly expands report output options. Reports can now be exported to various data-oriented formats including CSV, JSON, XML, and legacy options like DBF, DIF, and SYLK. This allows for seamless data exchange and integration with other applications. Furthermore, reports can be exported as a wide range of image formats like BMP, GIF, JPEG, and PNG, providing flexibility for visual representation. This expanded functionality caters to diverse needs, simplifying data exchange, visual presentation, and document sharing.

To see a full list of what's new in version 2024.3, see our release notes.

Stimulsoft Reports.PHP is licensed per developer and is available as a Perpetual license with 1 year support and maintenance. See our Stimulsoft Reports.PHP licensing page for full details.

Stimulsoft Reports.PHP is available in the following products: